dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013


My favourite horror film is "The woman in black". I chose this film because I don't usually watch horror films and this is one of the few that I see. The genre of this film is suspense. The film is a thriller because you are all the time feeling afraid.

The film is about a man, a lawyer called Arthur Kipps who has to go in one town for a long time because of his job. He have got one mission, sell an old house. In this house lived a horrible woman in black. She died and now her spirit is in that house. Every time her spirit meets a child, the child commits suicide. The lawyer finds out that she had lost her child in an accident and this is the reason why she behaves that way. To solve the problem, the lawyer looks for the child's body and he buries it with his mother. After, the spirit seemed happy, but at the end of the film, the lawyer meets his son in the train station back home. Suddenly, the woman in black appears in front of them and the lawyer's son jumps onto the railway. The lawyer runs behind him and he dies too.



The comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, scene or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve tension. It's often used in horror films was just before a scary scence which makes you laugh. I don't watch a lot of films with comic relief. But, I saw one in class named "Sleepy Hollow" and I laughed a bit.  


dilluns, 25 de novembre del 2013


The master of suspense is Hitchcock. He is the author of the film "Psycho". The characters he often used in his horror films were serial killers, psychopaths, murders and more. The technique that he used with the camera was record from the point of view of the murderer. 



"The Tell-Tale Heart"

The writer of this story is Edgar Allan Poe. "The Tell-Tale Heart" talks about one murderer that was obsessed with the eye of the old man. He killed an old man and hid the body under the wooden floor. Then, the police went to the house and didn't find the body. The murderer heard the beat of the heart of the old man and told the police that he was the murderer. 
The inventor of the PHS (Psychological Horror Story) is Edgar Allan Poe. The first macabre story he wrote is "Metzengerstain". Published his fisrt story in 1832. Other story that he wrote is "The Purloined Letter"


dilluns, 11 de novembre del 2013

THE GOTHIC NOVEL (G.N), the first horror

The ghotic novel is a genre or mode of literature that combines non-fiction, horror and romance.The gothic novel was invented by Horace Walpole and the first was The Castle of Otranto in 1764.  
I wrote in my list his basic elements of horror for example blood, dark path, mad houses, abandoned houses, shadows, silence, subtle cold, murders, shouts... I didn't incluse in my list the basic elemts like doors grating on rusty hinges, lights in abandoned rooms and more, howls, moans....



There are a lot things that make me happy. For example the music, I really like this. Yesterday I was listening to music all afternoon. Another thing is meeting my friends because when I am with them I am happy.

However I feel sad when I have a problem with one of my friends, my mother... Normally when I feel sad I take my Ipod and I listen to music because this makes me happy. 

I am very stressed when I have a lot of exams, homework or when my mum shouts at me. To fight this I like watching TV first or close myself in my bedroom. 


dissabte, 9 de novembre del 2013


My favourite serie is Gossip Girl. It is a serie of teenager drama. The principal plot is a blog very famous which relate everyday the gossips, conflicts of love, family and economic of one group of young multimillionairess who lives in the Upper East Side in New York. Until the end of the serie you don't know who is the Gossip GIrl. You would have never imagine that end.

The majority of these scenes are etching in the rich neighborhood of New York called Upper East Side, but there are scenes in France, Spain and more countries too. The principal characters are Serena van der Woodsen who returns from a boarder school and Blair Waldorf Serena's best friend althought they are always quarrelling. Chuck Bass is the "bad" boy in the serie and Nate Archibald is Chuck's best friend. Then, there are Dan Humphrey and his sister Jenny Humphrey who live in Brooklyn. Later will take part in the group because they aren't rich. 

It's my favourite serie althouhgt I stopped watching it. There are six season and one hundred twenty-one chapters. Last year, I used to watch one chapter every afternoon after school. Now I watching other series but I don't like them as much as Gossip Girl. This serie has got a lot of awards and there are a lot of adaptations because the original language is English. 

divendres, 8 de novembre del 2013


Last 31st October I celebrate Halloween. It was a great experience because I went to PortAventura, in Tarragona. 

I went with my friend Ariadna and her parents. We set off the journey at six o'clock in the morning. We drove for three hours. When we arrived, we went to the hotel called "El Paso". We left the suitcase in our bedroom and then Ariadna and I went to the park. We spent all day there. We eat in the restaurants there too. The park was opened until to o'clock in the morning. As it was Halloween night there were people hiding and scaring everywhere. Also, we went to the horror house which was specially designed for that ocasion.

The next day we woke up at nine o'clock in the morning. Then, we went to the buffet and we had breakfast. When we finished, we went to the park again. We were there until nine o'clock in the night. We met with her parents at the entrance and we drove back to Castelló d'Empúries. We arrived at home around twelve o'clock at night and then we went to bed because we were really tired. 
