dilluns, 19 de maig del 2014


Lions can swim(source)

This new talk about one experiment where the staff of the zoo in Washington tossed the cubs lions into the moat. They showed us that are very strong and they haven't got fear to the water. 

I don't imagine that the lions can swim because they are not water animals like the dolphin. These animals are similar to cats and they generally hate water. 

Meteor in Canada(source)

A police car In Canada, to be more exact in Ontario captured with his camera a meteor falling from the sky. People say that it was about half metre long. Each person say different the colour of this meteor, someone say orange and others white. 

In my opinion could see a meteor is a great experience in our life. But see the meteor far away because if it fall down on the floor, it can destroy cities and hurt people. 

streak, dashboard, footage and reportedly.

Gold under water(source)

A company found a treasure in the Atlantic Ocean. They found 1.3 million dolars in a shipwreck. When he was sinking, the ship had 21 tons of gold in 1857. It was sinking for a hurricane off the coast of South Carolina. The coins will be sold with the price of 5.000 dolars from collectors.

I haven't got opinion of this new. I only can say that it's terrible that the ships sinking and more if it they are full of people. 

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014


I would like to visit New York. I think that it is an amazing city. People say that the buildings are very high. There are lots of skycrapes too. There is an enormous park called Central Park. People go there for a walk, to read a book or to play with their children. In the city there are different areas such us China Town, Latin Town... You can eat tradicional food from different parts of the world. In New York city you can travel by bus, by taxi, by car but the easiest way is travelling by underground. There are lots of museums, monuments and interesting buildings you can visit.

Now, I explain a little bit the most importants places in this city. Times Square is the heart of this city and the center of the theatre district. There are a lot of restaurants, shops and more. The most important place here are the Broadway theatres. The Statue of Liberty is the most important symbol in New York and United States too. It was building in 1886. In the Empire States Building you can see all New York from upstairs. Wall Street is the principal street in the financial district of this city. Here there are famous buildings like the stock market. You can't miss the 5th Avenue if you want to go shopping because is the most famous street in the city. This avenue is full of shops. As well, is famous because there was etching a lot of films and series like Sex and the City. 

I can't leave without visit Upper East Side. I know this neighborhood for the series Gossip Girl. Is in the northeast of Manhattan, between Central Park and the East River. Is one of the neighborhoods where live rich persons from New York. Here, there is one of the most important museums called Metropolitan Museum. I love this neighborhood. I would like to live here in a future but it's difficult. 


dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014



This photo shows an eruption of the Sakurajima's volcano. It is 1.117 metre of altitude. It is throwing lava bombs, lightning and clouds of ash. When I see this photo I felt impressed and I decided to describe this spectacular photo. 

Mainly, you can see that this photo is very colourful. The volcano is grey but the eruption is red, orange and yellow of the lava. The lightning is electric blue and the clouds of ash are grey as well. As before I said this photo is very spectacular because you can't see an eruption every day. Is very striking and disturbing too. 

dijous, 1 de maig del 2014


I enjoyed a lot my trip to Berlín. I didn't imagine that Berlín was such a beautiful city. I love the houses of this city because they are very nice and they are similar to the houses that I see in films. There is a lot of vegetation and this makes a good environment. 

When I arrived I felt lost because all the signs were written in German and I didn't understand. When we arrived in the afternoon we got on a bus and we went to the Brandenburger Tor. This was the monument that I like the most. It's very amazing and beautiful. On Friday night we came back to see the monument was double amazing with the lights. When the wall of Berlín was built this monument was in the communist part. Then we came back to the hostel on food meanwhile we saw a lot of monuments that they were in the street like the Cathedral. 

On Thursday I went to the concentration and extermination camp named Sachsenhausen. It isn't the most important one but this one was the nearest to Berlín. I thought that the camp would have more impact to me but it wasn't that way. Those old houses let you imagine how jewish people used to live in the past. However, I couldn't ever imagine it. 

The Holocoust is in the middle of Berlín. Is a monument for all the jewish people who were murdered in those years. This place is full of high grey columns, exactly 2.711 columns, which make you feel the anxiety and the confusion like the jewish suffered when they were arrested. We went around the place trying to get out of there and of course I could feel confused and a bit anxious. This monument liked me too. 

The wall of Berlín was knocked down in 1989. In the past, this wall separeted Berlín in two parts: the Communists from the Republicans. Now, you can only see a part of this which mesures approximately 1,5 km. This part has got a name that it's East Side Gallery. How this name say it's a gallery and all of the wall is painted with graffities expressing people's liberty. While I walked for the walk I saw a graffity made by a Catalan man called Ignasi Blanch. 

We went to three or four museums too. Some liked me more than others. The bunker liked me because we had got a guide and she told us all of the history of the bunkers. Second day, in the morning went to the parliament called Reishtag. We went into and climbed to the copula. The ladder was in circle and while you walked, you climbed until you reach the top. From up you have got a very beautiful view of Berlín. 

Brandenburger Tor
                                                      The Holocoust
The Wall of Berlín