dilluns, 9 de juny del 2014


I think that my best post in 4th ESO is "BERLÍN'14" because it's the longest post and when I wrote it I remembered my trip to Berlín and my great experience there. I explained what I did in Berlín, what I saw, my feelings when I saw The Holocoust, the concentration and extermination camp... As well I choose this post because I like to wrote it.

The second part in this post is choose the best blog in my classroom. There are a really good blogs but for me, the best blog is the Míriam's blog named "Don't count the days, make the days count". She speaks english very well and she writes twice much better. It's a really good blog for visit!

dilluns, 2 de juny del 2014


Last 11th September 2013 there was a human chain for the Catalan Independence from Spain. This is the National Day of Catalonia. In 2012, people made a demonstration in Barcelona. This human chain went from "Le Pertús"  North Catalonia until "Alcanar" South Catalonia. There were 1.600.000 protesters. In some places they must make two human chains, one opposite of another because there were a lot of people. The human chain started at 17:14 reminding the year 1714 where Catalonia lost its Independence and became part of Spain. After this, people sang "Els Segadors", the hymn of Catalonia. People wore a yellow T-shirt and because it is one of the colours of the Catalan flag. People wore "l'estelada" because this is the Catalan Independent flag. The only difference from the normal flag is a blue star above. 

I'm Catalan and Independent. I would like my country in a future to get the Independece. I will be very happy. I went to the humain chain. It was a really good experience and I ejoyed this afternoon a lot. I went with my parents and the people from Torroella de Fluvià. We were in the section 624. This was in Medinyà, near Girona.

diumenge, 1 de juny del 2014


I have chosen this picture because I think it is very funny. In this picture we can see a guy next to a panda. They are sitting on the floor and eating a meal. In the foreground what we can see is the food. There is a packet on the left and an other packet on the right. Just in the middle we can see a hamburger and a drink. The guy is looking up while he is eating a hamburger. However, the panda is looking down and drinking. Behind them there is a blue wall.

It's a very funny picture they look happy while eating their meal. I think that the funniest thing is the panda. The place seems to be a very quite room where they feel relaxed. I think that this picture is an advertisement for Mc Donalds. This advertisement tells us that Mc Donalds food can be enjoyed by everyone. 


                                                listen to ‘Describing a picture’ on Audioboo


The last film that I saw it in the cinema was Divergent. It's the first part of one trilogy. The author's name is Veronica Roth. It's a dystopian novel for a young-adult people. The film is etched in a post-apocalyptic version of Chicago. As I loved it when I saw, I would like to talk a little bit about the film.

In the post-apocalyptic city of Chicago which has got the population divided into five factions: Abnegation, for the selfless; Amity, for the peaceful; Candor, for the honest; Dauntless, for the brave and Erudite, for the intelligent.  
When teenagers are sixteen year old, they must choose their place according to their personal ability. Teenagers take an aptitude test to help them to choose which faction they belong to. Beatrice Prior, our protagonist has this problem. When she takes her verdict, her family and friends are very surprised. She was born in Abnegation and she decides to go to Dauntless. She will never see her family again.  
In Dauntless she changes her name for Tris. She isn't like other teenagers. She keeps a secret which this can be the final for maintain the social order in the district and for save her own life.