dimarts, 19 de maig del 2015


I will talk about adolescents nowadays and adolescents fifty years ago. 

Fifty years ago teenagers used to do different things that teenagers do now. In the past they used to work instead of studying. Families were quite poor and parents couldn't afford their childrens studies. So, most of the teenagers didn't use to go to the University. Instead they looked for a job and helped the family. Nowadays, teenagers have better oportunities to study. Most families think that Education is very important and they help their children in order to have a better life they had. 

I would also like to talk how teenagers spend their free time now and how they used to spend it fifty years ago. Nowadays adolescents spend their time with new technologies like computer, playstations, tablets and so on. Fifty years ago, they used to play in the street with their friends. They share their time, their ideas, their feelings... Teenagers nowadays are not as sociable as they used to be in the past and that is because these young guys don't make any effort to meet together. Instead they want to stay at home and using technologies to communicate. 

I think that things have changed a lot during the last fifty years. However, I am not quite sure who had a better adolescence.

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2015


"How do you feel when you see two men walking with their baby child?"

Nowadays, there are a lot of adoptions made by gay couples because they can't give birth as both of them are men or women. This is one of the possible ways for them to be parents. The could also pay for a surrogate mother. 

Most people think that a child must have a father and a mother in order to have a good education. However, gay couples don't agree with this thought, as they strongly believe they can be as good parents as heterosexual couples. In some countries the law doesn't allow that a gay couple adopt a child. In the same way, there are countries which also don't allow gay couples to get married. 

If you asked me the previous question I made at the begining my answer would be I feel good for them. When I see an homosexual couple with a child I don't find it strange. I think that gay couples can be very good parents as well and they deserve to reach their dreams. 

dimecres, 6 de maig del 2015


I choose this news because when I read the tittle I thought that it will be an interesting news. 

The students of the Institute of Technology in Manipal, southwest India have designed solar car prototype. This is called the SERVe (Solar Electric Road Vehicle). It's a join project of Manipal Institute of Technology and Tata Power Solar, the most important solar company in India. 

The solar panels that cover the roof keep the car reasonably aerodynamic. The battery and power system are handled by a student-programmed Raspberry Pi. The car's body is a fiberglass-reinforced plastic over steel tubing. Its weight is 1300 pounds and the car can drive more than 90 miles. The top is about  speed 37mph. 

These students weren't trying to build the fastest  or the farthest solar vehicle. They were trying to build a solar car that not only worked, but one that could be commercially viable. 
My opinion: 
I think that we live in a technological world and it's possible that in a future all the cars that we will used be solar cars because this are more economics and don't pollute the world.