diumenge, 4 d’octubre del 2015


Hello Sònia, 
As you asked us, I'm sending you an email to introduce myself and tell you about my future dreams. 

My name is Sandra and I'm 17 years old. I live in a small village called Torroella de Fluvià. As you know I'm in second level of batxillerat. In my free time I like going shopping, meeting with my friends, listening to music and reading books. 

I know that this school year will be really hard and I'm aware of the big struggle that I will have to fight, hoping to have a great success. One of my dreams is to become a good broker or economist because I really like the financial world. Since I was a child, my father has been teaching me this world because he is an economist. Another dream is to discover the world around us as I haven't travelled much. The first country I would really like to visit is USA. I think this country is amazing and has many cities and places to visit. 

See you next day in class, Sandra. 

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