divendres, 26 de febrer del 2016


An important thing in a relationship is being comfortable with your partner. Sharing the same likes and dislakes, doing free time activities together, visiting different places... are very important things to do to feel good with your relationship. If all these things don't work well, then you look for another person who offers you these qualities as your couple don't provide you enough.

Forgiving or no forgiving depends on each person. Some people can forgive easily and carry on a normal life. However, there are people who can't forget. Once you have been cheated it is quite difficult to trust your partner. Although he has promised you that he made a terrible error.

I think that there are many things we must take into account before taking a decision. You should consider the pros and the cons of the relationship. Another thing to consider is if he/she will be stronger to forgive his/her couple or if it's better to break up that relation and start a new life. 


dijous, 25 de febrer del 2016


In the small town of Copparo, in central Italy, a few weeks back, primary school teacher Margherita Aurora, was intrigued when one of her students, used an unfamiliar word in a written assignment. The student, Matteo, described a flower as "petaloso" ("full of petals". The word doesn't exist but grammatically it makes sense as a combination of "petalo" ("petal") and the suffix "-oso" ("full of").

Aurora think how could the eight-year-old Matteo have invented a new word? They wrote to the Accademia della Crusca to ask for their opinion. One of the Crusca's top linguistic experts wrote that the word is well formed and could be used in the Italian language. It's beautiful and clear. So that the word will be official a larg number of people need to use it and undertand the meaning. 
The teacher wrote on her Facebook acount the following: "this is worth more than a thousand Italian lessons" and shared pictures of the letter. She triggered a movement. Her Facebook post has been shared more than 80.000 times and on Twitter #petaloso was used almost 40.000 times. The word quickly became the trop trending topic in Italy. "Petaloso its on the way to becoming an official Italian word. 

My opinion:
When I read the tittle of the news I thought what was this new word and I wanted to read all the news. It's amazing how an eight-year-old boy invented a new word. This boy in a few years will feel proud of himself. Sometimes, children have twice imagination than adults. 


dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2016


If we look through the years, we can see that our society has changed a lot, and one of the causes has been the technology. We can say that until now, technology has helped to make a better and also, an easy world, but we have to consider now, it's injuring us. 

We have to thank to technology all the progresses in comunications, in medicine... that we have achieved but we should think about the power that it has in us nowadays; most of us can't live without the latest technology, without the a phone or a computer, and this is a problem because we are becoming addicted and dependent. 

So, as a conclusion, we can say that technology has helped us make a better world but also, it has the power to make a worse society for the importance that we are giving to it. 


divendres, 19 de febrer del 2016


This year, the carnival was on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of February. I went to Rose's Carnival with a group called Scargottins. The Carnival is one of the most important festivals in this big town and one of the most beautiful displays in all Catalonia. There, this festival is really amazing and GOES on for five days, from Thursday untill Monday. In my group we dressed up as tyroleans. The costume was so cute. 

On Thursday, the first day, arrive the figure that symbolise Carnival. People go to the street with costumes from other years and they do a little display. Then, they go to the dance hall in order to continue the party. I couldn't go on the first day because in our high school we haven't got holiday next day, on Friday, such as Roses' high schools.

The second day, it's really when the Carnival starts. At nine p.m. BEGINS the real show. This year there were more than seventy carriages. My group has the number thirty-two. When the carriages finish the parade they go to the port. This year the place closed at three a.m. because the other years had lots of incidents. Then, the people who want to continue the party go to the dance hall or to the pavilion. 

On Saturday, the parade STARTS at four p.m. It's the children's moment. The route is the same that on Friday night, and when this is finished the carriages go to the port too. In the night, people who wants go to the pavilion. 

On Sunday, the display at 12 a.m. Like the two previous days, when this finish the carriages go to the port and in the night people go to the pavilion. Every day the parade begin before. When Sunday arrive people know that Carnival is finishing.

The last day, on Monday, there is a public lunch for all the carriages. Then, IN the afternoon they do "L'enterrament de la sardina" where the figure that symbolises Carnival is burned. This shows us the end of Carnival. Such as the first day, I couldn't go because I had high school. 

This was the best Carnival of my life! I only want to be on the next year to relive that experience. Next year, I am going to go to the university and I will go to the Carnival all days.

diumenge, 14 de febrer del 2016


Key words: sleep, dreams, sleep disorders, illness, ages

Do you know if you sleep well? Lots of people suffer from some sleep disorders and they are not aware of it. They think that disorders like insomnia are not as important as could be other illnesses. With this research paper we can state that night rest is far more important than what we think. Appart from that, the essay also reffers to different kinds of dreams which are highly related to sleep. 


Last month, I had a problem with my mobile phone. It didn't work and I had to begin again it. As a result, I lost all of my pictures, videos and more. In my gallery was my oral presentation, about my research paper, that I had to update on my blog. I'm really sorry bu't I haven't got the video. I tried to recover it but I couldn't. With this problem, I have learned that I have to keep my pictures, videos... in the iCloud so that I never have this problem again. 
I leave us here my prezi presentation in case you want to see it. My research paper talks about the sleeping disorders and dreams. Sorry again!! 
