divendres, 19 de febrer del 2016


This year, the carnival was on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of February. I went to Rose's Carnival with a group called Scargottins. The Carnival is one of the most important festivals in this big town and one of the most beautiful displays in all Catalonia. There, this festival is really amazing and GOES on for five days, from Thursday untill Monday. In my group we dressed up as tyroleans. The costume was so cute. 

On Thursday, the first day, arrive the figure that symbolise Carnival. People go to the street with costumes from other years and they do a little display. Then, they go to the dance hall in order to continue the party. I couldn't go on the first day because in our high school we haven't got holiday next day, on Friday, such as Roses' high schools.

The second day, it's really when the Carnival starts. At nine p.m. BEGINS the real show. This year there were more than seventy carriages. My group has the number thirty-two. When the carriages finish the parade they go to the port. This year the place closed at three a.m. because the other years had lots of incidents. Then, the people who want to continue the party go to the dance hall or to the pavilion. 

On Saturday, the parade STARTS at four p.m. It's the children's moment. The route is the same that on Friday night, and when this is finished the carriages go to the port too. In the night, people who wants go to the pavilion. 

On Sunday, the display at 12 a.m. Like the two previous days, when this finish the carriages go to the port and in the night people go to the pavilion. Every day the parade begin before. When Sunday arrive people know that Carnival is finishing.

The last day, on Monday, there is a public lunch for all the carriages. Then, IN the afternoon they do "L'enterrament de la sardina" where the figure that symbolises Carnival is burned. This shows us the end of Carnival. Such as the first day, I couldn't go because I had high school. 

This was the best Carnival of my life! I only want to be on the next year to relive that experience. Next year, I am going to go to the university and I will go to the Carnival all days.

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