divendres, 17 de gener del 2014


I don't think about the resolutions because when I want get something I do it without thinking a lot. Now, if I am thinking I have something resolutions for this year.
  • I think that the most important resolution for this year is get my ESO degree, this resolution needs a lot of time and work. I will work a lot because then I can enjoy a lot of summer and I don't interest of studies. 
  • My second resolution is does sport for get fit. Everyday I'm going to do exercises like abdominals and others. The days what I will have free time I'm going to run around my town. 
  • My third resolution is starts to study and do my homework before, because almost every day I start to do my homeworks in the night and I finished very late. 
  • Another is be more confident. I am not more confident because I am a shy girl. For example is be difficult start to talk with a stranger person. I will try to change with this.


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