diumenge, 22 de desembre del 2013


I think that Christmas is the best time of the year. For me, it is very beautiful time to share with the family and friends. I really like this time of the year. People give and receive presents, they do hugs and kisses. People enjoy it, but the kids enjoy it a lot more because they think that these presents are brought by the Three Wise Men or Santa, depending on where you live. The cities are very beautiful because are decorate with lights. There is a big spirit of Christmas, people sing songs with the streets and more. People decorate their houses too. 


In Catalonia, the 24th of December make the "Tió". It is a catalonian tradition. The kids hit the "Tió" with a stick while they sing a song. Then, they raise the blanket and under the "Tió" are the presents. Then, the 25th of December, people normally eat with their family and the 26th of December is other traditional day in Catalonia, is "Sant Esteve". People have got festivity and they don't go to work. 

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