dijous, 27 de febrer del 2014


When I have some free time I go to my grandmother's house and make a dessert. First, I make sure that I have all the ingredients. If I need something I go to the shop of my town and I get it. One of the desserts I like the most is cupcakes. It's very easy to make. I think that the cupcakes are tasty and it's perfect for a winter afternoon. When you are finished the recipe, you can decorate the cupcakes like you want. This is the recipe: 

- 1 natural yogurt. 
- Zest of lemon.
- 3 eggs
- 1 packet of baking powder. 
With the glass of yogurt measure:
- 1 yogurt of oil
- 2 yogurts of sugar
- 3 yogurts of confectionary fluor

Perheap the oven to 180ºC. Put the natural yougurt, the zest of lemon, the three eggs in a bowl. Then add the yogurt of oil, two yogurts of sugar, three yogurts of confectionary fluor and finally the packet of baking powder. 

Beat the mixture. When the mixture is well of texture. Neighter too liquid nor too dense. You can fill the moulds of cupcakes with the mixture but only until the middle. Then put the mixture into the oven for 30 minutes more or less. You must look after the cupcakes because each oven is different. 

After 30 minutes, open the oven and poke one cupcake with a toothpick. If the cupcakes are well cooked the toothpick must leave clean and then you can leave the cupcakes of the oven. With this cooking trick you can look if the cupcakes are fluffies too.


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