dilluns, 3 de març del 2014


This story talks about two rich families. They are enemies and they always fight in the streets. Their names are: The Montagues and the Capulets. One day, the Capulets celebrated a party. The Montagues weren't invited to the party but the son went. Tybalt one of the Capulets saw Romeo and he was angry. In this party Romeo was in love with Juliet, the Capulets' daughter. The next day they got married. Tybalt wanted to fight with Romeo but they didn't want because now he was his cousin. Mercutio, Romeo's friend fought with Tybalt but he killed Mercutio because he was very good with the sword. Romeo killed Tybalt for revenge. The Prince of Verona banished Romeo. So he had to escape from Verona and go to Mantua. Lord Capulet ordened that Juliet must marry with Paris. He didn't know that she was already married. Juliet asked for help to Friar Laurence and he gave to Juliet one poison and one potion. She drank the poiton and she fell sleep fot fourty-two hours. All the people thank that she was died execpt Friar Laurence. When Romeo knew that Juliet was died he inmediatly returns  to Verona. She was in a tomb. Romeo drank the poison and died too. When Juliet woke up she saw Romeo died and she stabbed herself and fell. The message which said that Juliet wasn't dead didn't arrive to Romeo. This was a terrible day for Verona.  (252)


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