dimecres, 10 de juny del 2015


After one year of extensive English lessons and hardwork at home, I would like to give you my opinion about my improvements during this school year. 

First of all, I think that above all I have improved my vocabulary expand and then my grammar knowledge. Some of the activities done in class were very useful such as exercises from the Vocabulary extemsion dossier and some exercises from the Grammar Book.

 I didn't enjoy writing essays because I found it difficult to organize the different parts: how to start the essays and how to express different points of views. So, I guess I have improved little in this field. Moreover, I believe that six "your-says" a year are too many. I sometimes found it hard to write about everything. I enjoyed reading book, It was a good way to increase my vocabulary and to learn useful expressions. The book I enjoyed the most was the book we chose in the third term called " A kiss before dying".

Preparing the projects was quite interesting except for the last one which I found it very boring as I didn't like the topic. 

In conclusion, I think I am not good enough at writing. I would like to improve it next year. I think that it is quite difficult to write different writing samples but it is also very important for the selectivity to have a good level at writing.I also believe that I must improve my oral comprehension so, I should listen more often to the English language or even watch TV series, news and films in original version.

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