dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015


As you may know the Costa Brava is a place where thousands of tourists come to spend their holidays. Some towns change a lot from winter to summer. I will take about the advantages and disadvantages when tourists come over our country. 

Some advantages are that our country has a good income of money. Peple who come on holidays usually spend much money during their vacations. Moreover, you have the possibility to make new friends and If they come from a foreing country you have the opportunity to practice the foreing language. Furthermore, another advantage is that when you go out in the streets you can see people everywhere, something which is very rare in winter. 

On the other hand, there also disadvantages when many tourists visit our country, First of all it takes longer to get to the places because the roads are crowded. When you go shopping you must queu for a long time because shops and supermarkets are full of people. 

In conclusion, although there are many people in summer and sometimes it's very stressful, summer is better than winter because towns are lively and you have much better. 

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