dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015


I choose this news because I think that i't's interesting and this is the beginning of a big change in the fashion world. 

An Yves Saint Laurent advertisement has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The advert, which appeared in Elle UK showed a photo of a woman who was unhealthily underweight. Readers complained that the advert was "irresponsible" because they were using a model who appeared unhealthily thin.  
Although the ASA didn't agree with the readers opinions at the beginning, they finally admitted that the advert was not suitable to be advertised in magazines or on TV. 
Some people agreed that adverts using underweight models are promoting a distorted image of beauty and it may also promoted cases of anorexia and bulimia among adolescets.

My opinion:
I think that modelling agencies should employ models who are hot below a certain body mass index because teenagers use to follow the fashiong trend. 

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