divendres, 11 de març del 2016


According to the Guinness World Records organisation a survivor of the Auschwitz death camp is now the world's oldest man. This man is called Yisrael Kristal and is 112 years old. He was born near Zarnow in Poland in 1903 and lived throught two world wars. 
When he received his Guinness World Records certificate, said: 
"I don't know the secret for long life, I believe that everything is determined from above". "There have been smarter, stronger and better looking men than me who are no longer alive" he added. 

He has a hard life. During the World War was separated from his parents. After the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939, he and his family were moved into a ghetto. He lost his two children and later, he and his wife were sent to Auschwitz in 1944 after the ghetto was liquidated. His wife was murdered in Auschwitz and he was the sole survivor from his family. When he was found weighed just 37 kg. In 1950 emigrated to Israel with his second wife and their son. 

His daughter said the Holocaust had not affected her father's beliefs. The Auschwitz death camp was built in 1940. About one million Jews were killed at the camp. Victims included disabled people, homosexuals, dissidents...

My opinion:

I think that this man is a very big fighter. Not for the longest age that he has, if not for all he has lived. He has all my respects. Leave from a death camp is really difficult, the most of people die, but he can survive. Another thing is looking how your family dies, I couldn't. He is very stronger too talking about his memories because there are people who never want to talk about horrible things like this. 


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