dissabte, 12 de març del 2016


A newly discovered 250-million-year-old fossil reptile from Brasil gives an extraordinary insight into life just before the dinosaurs appeared. The reptile named Teyujagua is the close relative of a group that gave rise to dinosaurs, crocodiles and birds. As the scientists say the fossil is "beautiful" and fills an evolutionary gap

Dr. Richard Butler from the University of Birmingham said the animal is a new species that hasn't been previously known. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports says: "It'svery close to the ancestry of a very important group of reptiles called archosauriforms".

This ancient reptile lived just after a mass extinction event 252 million years ago. About 90% of the species were lost, creating a place for other animals like Teyujagua. The reptile and its close relatives became the dominant animals on the land and eventually gave rise to the dinosaurs. Teyujagua was a small crocodile-like animal that probably lived at the side of lakes, feeding on fish. 

Dr. Felipe Pinheiro, from Universudade Federal do Pampa, is one of the three scientists who discovered the well-preserved fossil skull near the southern city of São Francisco de Assis. He said that the discovery was really exciting and they known that they had something extraordinary in their hands. Teyujagua is different from other fossils from the same era. 

My opinion:
I'm not a scientist girl, but when I read the news I consider it very interesting because talks about the beginning of the world and the origin of the dinosaurs. I didn't know that before dinosaurs there were others species. I always think that dinosaurs were the first SPECIES in the world.

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