dijous, 3 de març del 2016


A Swiss study said that emotional stress that causes chest pains and breathlessness can occur in moments of joy like anger, grief and fear. Three-quarters of cases of takotsubo cardiomyopathy (a change in the shape of the heart's left ventricle, which can be fatal) are caused by stress. The University Hospital Zurich suggests about one in 20 cases is caused by joy. In the study, researchers discovered heart problems caused by:
  • A birthday party
  • A son's wedding
  • Meeting a friend after 50 years
  • Becoming a grandmother...

The study also suggested most cases were in post-menopausal women. One of the researchers said that the triggers for takotsubo syndrome can be more varied than they thought. Much more research is needed to understand how such emotional events can trigger temporary heart damage in some people. The medical director of the British Heart Fundation said that Takotsubo syndrome is a rare event. 

My opinion:
I found this news interesting because I didn't know that hearts damages can come from a moment of joy like a son's wedding. I thought that hearts damages came from bad things like fear. As everything, more research is needed.


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