divendres, 6 de maig del 2016


There was a devastating wildfire in the Canadian city of Fort McMurray. The exact scale of the damage is difficult to say. 1.600 homes and other buildings have been destroyed. Whole neighbourhoods have been wiped out.

Some parts of the city are still standing as the hospital. The city's airports suffered only minor damange thanks the efforts from the firefighters. The residents who fled their homes said that this couldn't be real. 

The fire in the province of Alberta covers 850 sq km and the entire city of almost 90.000 people was evacuated three days ago. Bill Stewart, co-director of the University of California's Center for Fire Research and Outreach, says that only nature can stop fire entirely. It's a dangerous and terrifying time for the firefighters. 

My opinion:
Unfortunately, nature punishes us with these natural disasters. Luckily, in this case there aren't death people because they were evacuated some days ago. I think that firefighters are so important in our life. In my area, in the summer of 2012 there was a big fire. I wish that I never see another time a fire so nearly from me. 

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