divendres, 6 de maig del 2016


Authoriries in Kenya have begun demolishing homes in an specific area. Last week, the collapse of a building killed at least 26 people. This building had been declared unfit for human habitation. Like this, there are lots of buildings that have to be destroyed.

At this moment, there are eight buildings destroyed in the district of Huruma. The buildings' structures aren't resistant for all the people that live inside. People were warned a week ago to vacate, but they don't leave their home until the last moment. 

Another building collapsed on 29 April, for the height Kenya's rainy season. The rescue operations continue. There are soldiers, firefighters and volunteers. Trained dogs are helping too. On Kenyan TV, transmited the rescued by a 24-years-old woman who was pregnant. She was through slabs
My opinion:                                                                 
I choose this news because talks about one human right. People have the right to have a deserving home. There are lots of people that don't have a shelter or that live in an awful condition. Especially in developening countries. This is not fair, and less when we talk about children because adults can survive more easily. 

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