dijous, 5 de maig del 2016


Police in Germany are investigating the deaths of two women. They are the victims os a couple who held them hostage and tortured them. The murderers were a man called Wilfried and Angelika, his ex-wife. Detectives believe there may be more victims. The murderers' home is in Hoexter, north-western Germany. 

There are two cases. The first one, the victim was a 41-year-old woman, known as Susanne F. The women died later in hospital because she didn't be died, she was only injured. The second case was in the summer of 2014. The victim was 33 years old, called Annika W. Both suffered from physical torture. 

Police believe the motive for the murders was more likely to be power-relared than sexual. Angelika B. say that she only obeyed the man after also being tortured by him. The head of this investigation is Ralf Oesterman. 

My opinion:   
I can't understand how people can be so evil. A person who does this hasn't got consciousness. I choose this news because I want to know more about this case and because it's relation with human rights. A person never can take away the life of another person.

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