divendres, 6 de maig del 2016


Scientists say a breakthrough in growing embryos will improve fertility treatments and revolutionise knowledge of the earliest steps to human life. In the UK and US, the research was halted just before the embryons arrived at 14-days old. Before, scientists only researched untill a week, the moment to implant it into the womb. This is possible because they have found a way to chemically mimic the womb. 

The investigation give to the scientists how the embryo starts the process of organising itself into a human being. This time is very important because is when many embryos purchase development defects or fail to implant. Scientists are so proud because this discovery is enormous implicated with reproductive technologies. 

There is international agreement that experiments should not allow embryos to develop past 14 days. From this moment, embryo becomes an "individual". It is an area that could spark huge ethical debate in the coming years. 

My opinion:    
In my opinion, this investigation is so useful. I am agree to do these kind of researches if with they can learn about embryos and do pregnancy more easy. Also, I agree with this international agreement that not passed the 14-days old because after this moment there will be a life and with a person we can't experiment. 


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