diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014


This news talk about 10 things you may not know about laughter. I choose it because I think that this news would be interesting and we can learn more about something that do everyday. 


  1. Jack Panksepp a psychologist observed laughing rats in 1990s. Rats' laugh by tickling them and he needed special equipment to hear their laugh. Rats laugh to show that they are happy similar to humans. 
  2. Adults think that they laugh when somebody tell a joke but they would be wrong. A psychologist found that we laugh more when we are with other people like friends talking. 
  3. Brain can tell the difference between deliberate and helpless laughter. 
  4. Laughter is contagiuos and someone who response this laughter we can see if this laugh is real or forced. 
  5. People find jokes funnier if they think they were told by a famous comedian and you laugh more with people that you know. 
  6. Laughter burns more calories than going for a run. You burn 210-40 calories for every 10-15 minutes laughing. 
  7. Laughter not only felt better immediately. If a couple used laughter and smiling thet stay together for longer.
  8. Laughter requieres precise timing because like a comedians it's difficult have the confidence to leave a pause for the audience to laught and cope if they don't. 
  9. Laughter is attractive more than intelligence, edutation... and it's more attractive if they laugh at our jokes. 
  10. Some things make you laugh yes or yes. 

My opinion:

I think that this news is very interesting and while I'm doing this post I'm learning about new things of laughter. The thing that impressed me more is number 9 because I didn't know that laughter will be more attractive than sexual drive for example. However, there are things that I knew about them. Like number 6 which talks about burning calories by laughting. 

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