dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014


First of all, I think that homosexuality has to be accepted by all of the people because being homosexual isn't a bad thing and you aren't less than a heterosexual person. Everybody must have the right to be with who they want. Society has advanced a lot in matters like technology, medicine... but not in perspectives like homosexuality. There are people who have revulsion to these people. They have homophobia. 

In my view, there are most homophobic men than women. For example, in my age if I ask a boy what is his opinion about a couple of gays they normally answer that it is disgusting. And if you ask the same question to a girl, she answers that it isn't as bad, and that they have the same rights to be couple like a man and a woman. 

Now, I will talk about weddings and adoptions done by homosexuals. I will put the example of Spain because is my country. Here, weddings have been accepeted since 2005. Before a homosexual couple  couldn't get married. Nowadays, there are countries like Peru or China that don't accept it yet. Other countries like Arabia Saudi or Sudan they have a death sentence for being homosexual.

Then, talking about adoptions if it's difficult in a couple of woman and man in a homosexual couple is twice difficult. In Spain, a homosexual couple can adopt a child. Moreover, like weddings there are a lot of countries that don't accept this because they think that one child can't be grown up well without a paternal or maternal figure. 

In conclusion, I would like that in the future a homosexual couple can be accepted all around the world.

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