dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014


In time is an American film of science fictions mainly and intrigue too. The director is Andrew Niccol and the protagonists are Justin Timberlake (Will Salas) and Amanda Seyfried (Sylvia Weis). This film premiered October 28th of 2011. 


In a future society in 2161, people can live without complications and grew up until the age of 25 years old. Then, they stop ageing and they have only a year of time to live so they have to work to earn time. All it's paid by time since luxuries until necessities. Rich people can live forever but the other people have to negotiate each minute of their life and the poor people die young. Will Salas, the main character is a poor young boy of 28 years old. In the beginning of the film her mother die because her time ends. One day, Will meet in a bar some boys who are trying to steal the time to a rich man, Will help him and this man express her gratitude giving all of this years while Will is slepping. When he wakes up he has a million of years in his counter. He go to the rich part of the city meanwhile police followed his because they think that Will has stolen that time. There, he know a rich girl and during the film Will abduct Sylvia whos is a son's rich man. First of all she is angry but at the end she fall in love for him.                                                  
I have seen this film three times that I remembered. I have chosen this film because although be an old film I really like it. I recommend you to look it if you don't see this film before. I specially like the plot because I think that's very original. The effects are very good too. 

Star Rating: * * * * *

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