diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014


First of all, I feel that this new school term is more difficult than all the ESO levels together. Last year, our homeroom teacher and my other teachers told us that batxillerat would be a very big change and that we couldn't waste our time. I personally thought that they were making it better than it was but now I completly agree with what they told us. 

For example when I came back from school I can't sit on the sofa and watch TV. I haven't got much free time like last year. 

Secondly, the exams are very different. The exams are longer and more difficult. Sometimes we don't have enought time to finish them. Te worst thing is that we have to study two lessons in each exam.

Talking about homework I think that we have got more homework to do like the last year. We have got only two hours in the week for "català" and "castellà" and normally we have got a lot of homework from this subjects. 

In my opinion, we are too many students in the class and it is very difficult to pay attention in class. Sometimes there is too many noise as well. I think that I am doing well at school year but I don't know if I will pass all the subjects because I think that some subjects are difficult.


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