dijous, 26 de febrer del 2015


Every year, when we start a new school term we have to buy the school books and the readers we need for that year. 

Readers are good for us because this way we read novels. Students don't read much for pleasure. Most of us prefer doing more exciting things than reading such as sailing on the net, going out with friends... When we read we increase our vocabulary and we learn new structures. 

However, I think that two or three books in batxillerat are too many books for us. Because we have got lots of homework, essays and many other things to do along the year. Then, I think that teachers sometimes choose badly. They have to choose a good and especially funny novel because if it is a boring novel, we aren't interesting in read it.  

This year, in batxillerat I don't like the books that we have to read. In my opinion, the worst is "Tirant lo Blanc" because is written in ancient Catalan and it's difficult to read. Apart from this I don't like the plot. 


In this essay, I would like to talk about the adolescents behaviour in the parties at night. 
First of all, I think that nowadays when you go out at night you see very young teenagers spending the night out. Every day more, teenagers start going party earlier than it used to be. I don't think that this is the main problem but they start drinking and taking drugs being very young. 

For this reason, as they don't know what they are consuming, they act in a very stupid way. If they were in normal conditions, they would have fun instead. I think that teenagers do not really know the way to enjoy and they think that getting drunk and consuming drugs is the best way. 

In conclusion, I think that they can drink alcohol but they should control themselves in order to haven't got any problem. 

dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2015


I choose this news because when I read the tittle I thought that it can be very interesting. We live with this animal and I think that is a good idea know more about it. 

Dogs are very clever animals. Many studies confirm that this animal can sense the human emotions. If a dog sense that one person is unreliable it stops following his cues. 
A University in Japan did an experiment which consists of three rounds of pointing. In a conclusion, they observed that dogs didn't return to trust someone that before has tricked them. After that, another University, in this case of UK did other experiment more. 
Dogs are more intelligent that we believed, but their intelligenceis very different to ours. Although they are very intelligents, they do what the owner do if they trust them. 
My opinion: 
I like this news because I think that is interesting and I learn more about one animal that I have. I love dogs and I agree with this saying: "Dog is the best friend of man". One thing that impressed me is that dogs can sense what are our feelings. 

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2015


Last day, I was reading the newspaper at home meanwhile I was having breakfast. I was surprised when I read the news about dogs which are abandoned every day. The news stated that more than hundred pets are abandoned in Catalonia every day. Moreover, they talked about the problem they have when they collect these dogs from the street and are taken to the pinfold. There is not enought space in these pinfolds for so many dogs. 

I think that people who abandon their pets haven't got any feelings. I could never abandon my dog for instance. Before that, If I couldn't take care of it I will look for another family to host him. There are people who abandon their pets only because they have grown and they don't like them anymore. 

In my opinion, I think that when you decide to buy a pet you must take it into consideration, because animals are not toys. They need your attention and your time. 

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015


Since many years ago, Internet has become a very important gadget in our life and it changed people's life a lot. You can search information faster than if you have to search it in a book or encyclopedia. Also, you can read the newspaper for free. You can book your vacations or you can even do the shopping. If you need to cook a recipe, ypu can even look for it on the net. 

Internet has made our life easier but more technological as well. Children start using the Internet very early nowadays. This can be dangerous because they are very innocents and they easily get addicted to it. As they are children, they do things without think too much and then this can be harmfuk for them in the future. 

I have used the Internet since the primary school where teachers taught how use a computer. Since then, I never stop to using it because in the school is a very important tool to learn. Moreover, in my first year of ESO we were compulsory to use a laptop to learn. 

dijous, 12 de febrer del 2015


I choose this news because I think that is interesting to read and know more about this horrible occurrence. 

South Sudan is in a state of civil war with President Salva Kiir to Loyal forces pitted against rebels subordinate by Vice-President Riek Marchar. Hundreds of boys in South Sudan have been kidnapped and forced to become child soldiers. Unicef reported last month that there were, more or less, 89 children. Also, said that these boys were abducted by the Shiluk Militia, under the control of Johnson Oloni. The UN believes 12,000 children were used as child soldiers last year in South Sudan. 

My opinion:
I don't know what in the world can be this terrible thing. People who abduct these children to be a soldiers haven't got a heart. I'm against with this action and I would like that in a future this stop.

dimarts, 10 de febrer del 2015


Here, there is our presentation about the United States. The project is a gap year. In this oral presentation we talk about the language, the food, the economy and more. 

divendres, 6 de febrer del 2015


Valentine's day is an American and British tradition. People sent each other cards, flowers, gifts or chocolate... to demostrate their love to their partner. However, some people also send cards or mobile messages to their friends in order to demostrate their friendship. Each partner celebrated this day like they want. Once go to the cinema, others go to have dinner in a restaurant and maybe others prefer to celebrate this day at home.  

Personally, I don't like this day althought it's the most romantic day of the year in UK. I prefer celebrating the 23rd of April, Sant George as it is a Catalan tradition. On Sant George's Day we give books and red roses to each other as it comes from a very ancient legend. 

I'm not a very romantic girl. Nowaday, I don't like this things but maybe in a future when I have a partner I will enjoy this day. Who knows?

dimarts, 3 de febrer del 2015


One more year, Roses has celebrated a wonderful party of the Carnival. It's recognised as one of the most famous Carnival of Catalonia. It last for five days from Tuesday 12th to Monday 16th of February. There was a big number of participants in the parate as well as lot of public people admiring the amazing parate. I really like this Carnival because people make their carriages as well as their costumes. They work for several weeks before the big day. 

From my point of view, this part is one of the most amazing one. When I was a child, I use to go to this Carnival with my cousine's carriage. Later, when I grew uo I decided to go with my friends. This year, I dressed up as a referee and my friends and I went to Roses on Friday and Saturday night. I didn't go on Sunday because I was tired and I will go to the school on Monday. I enjoyed the weekend a lot!!