dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2015


Last day, I was reading the newspaper at home meanwhile I was having breakfast. I was surprised when I read the news about dogs which are abandoned every day. The news stated that more than hundred pets are abandoned in Catalonia every day. Moreover, they talked about the problem they have when they collect these dogs from the street and are taken to the pinfold. There is not enought space in these pinfolds for so many dogs. 

I think that people who abandon their pets haven't got any feelings. I could never abandon my dog for instance. Before that, If I couldn't take care of it I will look for another family to host him. There are people who abandon their pets only because they have grown and they don't like them anymore. 

In my opinion, I think that when you decide to buy a pet you must take it into consideration, because animals are not toys. They need your attention and your time. 

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