dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2015


I choose this news because when I read the tittle I thought that it can be very interesting. We live with this animal and I think that is a good idea know more about it. 

Dogs are very clever animals. Many studies confirm that this animal can sense the human emotions. If a dog sense that one person is unreliable it stops following his cues. 
A University in Japan did an experiment which consists of three rounds of pointing. In a conclusion, they observed that dogs didn't return to trust someone that before has tricked them. After that, another University, in this case of UK did other experiment more. 
Dogs are more intelligent that we believed, but their intelligenceis very different to ours. Although they are very intelligents, they do what the owner do if they trust them. 
My opinion: 
I like this news because I think that is interesting and I learn more about one animal that I have. I love dogs and I agree with this saying: "Dog is the best friend of man". One thing that impressed me is that dogs can sense what are our feelings. 

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