dijous, 26 de febrer del 2015


Every year, when we start a new school term we have to buy the school books and the readers we need for that year. 

Readers are good for us because this way we read novels. Students don't read much for pleasure. Most of us prefer doing more exciting things than reading such as sailing on the net, going out with friends... When we read we increase our vocabulary and we learn new structures. 

However, I think that two or three books in batxillerat are too many books for us. Because we have got lots of homework, essays and many other things to do along the year. Then, I think that teachers sometimes choose badly. They have to choose a good and especially funny novel because if it is a boring novel, we aren't interesting in read it.  

This year, in batxillerat I don't like the books that we have to read. In my opinion, the worst is "Tirant lo Blanc" because is written in ancient Catalan and it's difficult to read. Apart from this I don't like the plot. 

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