divendres, 6 de febrer del 2015


Valentine's day is an American and British tradition. People sent each other cards, flowers, gifts or chocolate... to demostrate their love to their partner. However, some people also send cards or mobile messages to their friends in order to demostrate their friendship. Each partner celebrated this day like they want. Once go to the cinema, others go to have dinner in a restaurant and maybe others prefer to celebrate this day at home.  

Personally, I don't like this day althought it's the most romantic day of the year in UK. I prefer celebrating the 23rd of April, Sant George as it is a Catalan tradition. On Sant George's Day we give books and red roses to each other as it comes from a very ancient legend. 

I'm not a very romantic girl. Nowaday, I don't like this things but maybe in a future when I have a partner I will enjoy this day. Who knows?

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