diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015


Since many years ago, Internet has become a very important gadget in our life and it changed people's life a lot. You can search information faster than if you have to search it in a book or encyclopedia. Also, you can read the newspaper for free. You can book your vacations or you can even do the shopping. If you need to cook a recipe, ypu can even look for it on the net. 

Internet has made our life easier but more technological as well. Children start using the Internet very early nowadays. This can be dangerous because they are very innocents and they easily get addicted to it. As they are children, they do things without think too much and then this can be harmfuk for them in the future. 

I have used the Internet since the primary school where teachers taught how use a computer. Since then, I never stop to using it because in the school is a very important tool to learn. Moreover, in my first year of ESO we were compulsory to use a laptop to learn. 

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