divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


Every year, between the 21st ans 22nd of October the Orionid Meteor Shower lights up the sky offering everyone the chance to catch nature at its best. 

What's the Orionid Meteor Shower?
This meteor is made up of ice and dust fragments from the Halley's Comet. 
The name comes from the Orian constellation, one of the most visible constellation in the sky. 

When can I watch it?
The newspaper recomends that the best day to see the meteor shower will be on Tuesday morning just before dawn.

Where can I watch it? 
The best areas are the ones which usually have little light pollution, not the best news for city dwellers. However, there are a number of sites around the UK when the night sky is not affected too badly by light pollution.

What will I need?
You only need your eyes yo see the Orian Meteor Shower and staring peacefully at the sky. 

My opinion:
I believe that I've never seen a meteor on live with my own eyes. I have just seen it on TV or on the computer. I would like to see it one live at least once in my life.


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