divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


The roles of women have changed a lot in our society in the last 100 years.  Before they couldn't do anything and nowadays women can do things like man like work. However, although they do the same job the salary is not the same. There isn't a real gendes equality.This happens in the developed countries where women can work because in the underdeveloped countries the roles of women are the same like 100 years ago. Unfortunately there are countries where women are not value as they deserve. 

In the book we can see that women normally must stay at home looking after their husband. In the 21th centuary this also happens but not like a husband years ago. Women aren't a decorative sex like in the book say, I think that women have the same importance as the men and that they can do the same things like study, teach and more. 

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