divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


The volunteer firefighter Patrick Hardison, who is 41 years old, has been under surgeon for 26 hours to have a new face. The operation took place last August. 

The donor was a 26 year old boy called David Rodebaugh who died in a cycling accident. Patrick had third degree burns of his entire face and scalp. He had waited for more than a year to have the surgery done. The operation cost one million dollars. Mr. Hardison will have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life. 

The doctor gave a press conference and he said that the amount of tissue transplanted in Patrick had not been done before. He also said the patient is doing really well though it had been a difficult operation. However, Mr. Hardison will need more surgery in a few months time. Mr. Hardison states that he is very pleased with the results. He says: "They have given me a new life". 

My opinion: 
It's difficult to believe that surgery can do these miracles. Medicine has improved a lot in the recent years. I admire what doctors can do with people who have had a terrible accident. 

(This is Patrick before and after the surgery)


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