divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


This piece of news was written by a 21 year old girl. She tell us her experience in her relationship and what she learned from it. 
Falling in love is a scary and beautiful thing. When you begin in a relationship you know that one day it might finish and one of the couple might be hurt. She gave all she had in that relationship, but one day, he just ended with her. She was completely heartbroken and she cried a lot until she finally realized that he had lost more than her. She learned a few things about herself. The most important one was that she would honestly rather get hurt never again. 
  1. Getting your heart broken helps you grow: All people should experience a heart break in their liver because it teaches humility to you. Once you have your heart broken you understand the pain, and you most likely won't do that to someone else. Also you will be more compassionate in future relationships. 
  2. It makes me feel alive: Feeling hurt means you're able to feel. A life without feeling joy, pay or any other feelings is not the way one should live. It's like you are just existing, but you're not really living. Feeling pain makes you feel alive because it means you can feel things deeply, and you can grow from it. 
  3. Feeling pain means you're vulnerable: Being vulnerable is the hardest thing to do in the world. You're opening yourself up and handing someone you heart you're trusting that person as well. 
The writer will never stop believing in love and she thinks that one day she will find the man of her dreams. 

My opinion:
I agree with what the writer says. I also think that you should experience a heart broken in your life because it makes you learn a lot about life and love. A life without love is not a good life. Moreover, sometimes is better be alone before be in a toxic relationship because the real love don't hurt.


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