dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014


Last September the 9th, the Apple Company presented its new mobile. There are two different models: One is the Iphone 6 which costs 699€ and it's the improved version from the last one. Iphone 6 is bigger too. Then, the other model is Iphone 6 Plus which is like the Iphone 6 but it's ever bigger than Iphone 6. Iphone 6 Plus costs 799€. If you want more than 16GB the price rises. 

In my opinion, I wouldn't buy this new Iphone right now because It's as new that people may not know if it works well. It may have some problems. Then, talking about its size I think that it's too big and the Iphone 6 Plus it's very bigger. 

I have got Iphone 5S and in my opinion this size is the best one. I have had this mobile for one month now. I really like IOS system. Only Iphones mobile have got this system. The camera has a better quality than the other mobiles that I used to have.

One disadvantage of this system is that you have to pay for some apps applications but there are cheap. Another disadvantage is taht in Iphones mobiles you can't put a memory card. So each Iphone model has its own memory. You can chose how many GB you want in your mobile. However, the more GB, the more expensive. 

Since they started making the first iphone in 2007, they have made 10 models until now. Last year, they created the Iphone 5C that is the improved version of the Iphone 5 but with worse material so that's why it's cheapper and people can afford it. As well, people like it because it's very colorful. Although, nowadays there are new models in the market people still buys Iphone 5C.


In time is an American film of science fictions mainly and intrigue too. The director is Andrew Niccol and the protagonists are Justin Timberlake (Will Salas) and Amanda Seyfried (Sylvia Weis). This film premiered October 28th of 2011. 


In a future society in 2161, people can live without complications and grew up until the age of 25 years old. Then, they stop ageing and they have only a year of time to live so they have to work to earn time. All it's paid by time since luxuries until necessities. Rich people can live forever but the other people have to negotiate each minute of their life and the poor people die young. Will Salas, the main character is a poor young boy of 28 years old. In the beginning of the film her mother die because her time ends. One day, Will meet in a bar some boys who are trying to steal the time to a rich man, Will help him and this man express her gratitude giving all of this years while Will is slepping. When he wakes up he has a million of years in his counter. He go to the rich part of the city meanwhile police followed his because they think that Will has stolen that time. There, he know a rich girl and during the film Will abduct Sylvia whos is a son's rich man. First of all she is angry but at the end she fall in love for him.                                                  
I have seen this film three times that I remembered. I have chosen this film because although be an old film I really like it. I recommend you to look it if you don't see this film before. I specially like the plot because I think that's very original. The effects are very good too. 

Star Rating: * * * * *


First of all, I think that this new option of WhatsApp is a nonsense because before, you could know if your message had been read, looking at the last connection of the contact. As well, you can know if your message had been sent it had one check, and had been received it had double check. 

Secondly, to my mind It's useful in the WhatsApp groups because in this way you can see who has read your message and who hasn't. Before, in a group you couldn't know it. 
In the audios, the blue double-check used in the past to know if the contact had listened the audio. 

I think that this can have problems because there are people that are very obsessed looking at their whatsapp all the time and with this new option it will be more catching for them. Moreover, people can get angry if they know that their message had been read and the contact didn't answer them.

However, technician of Whatsapp are working because you can deactivate this option like you can do with deactivate the last connection. But if you decide that the other people don't know when you had read the messages you can't know if yours had been read. I personally think that you can chose activate or deactivate this option is a good idea.


dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014


I chose this news because when I read it in a magazine I was surprised by the topic. The magazine is Catalonia Today, number 0373, page 11. 

The other day a family went to a restaurant to celebrate something special. It was an expensive restaurant. The servings were very abundant and they couldn't finish the second course. Moreover, they decided to order two bottles of wine and they didn't finish the second bottle either. When they paid the bill, they talked about asking the waiter to pack the leftovers. As you may know, this is something very usual in the USA. At the end, they didn't agree so they decided to leave all the food and wine there. Does it make sense to you? Don't you think that people should ask for the leftovers and take them at home? Millions of people around the world are dying of hunger.

My opinion: 
I agree with the idea of taking at home the leftovers because you have already payed for them. Food can't be thrown away as in other countries people are dying of hunger. In my opinion we don't have to waste food. I don't know what I would do in this situation because I agree with this idea but I also think it's embarasing. 


First of all, I think that homosexuality has to be accepted by all of the people because being homosexual isn't a bad thing and you aren't less than a heterosexual person. Everybody must have the right to be with who they want. Society has advanced a lot in matters like technology, medicine... but not in perspectives like homosexuality. There are people who have revulsion to these people. They have homophobia. 

In my view, there are most homophobic men than women. For example, in my age if I ask a boy what is his opinion about a couple of gays they normally answer that it is disgusting. And if you ask the same question to a girl, she answers that it isn't as bad, and that they have the same rights to be couple like a man and a woman. 

Now, I will talk about weddings and adoptions done by homosexuals. I will put the example of Spain because is my country. Here, weddings have been accepeted since 2005. Before a homosexual couple  couldn't get married. Nowadays, there are countries like Peru or China that don't accept it yet. Other countries like Arabia Saudi or Sudan they have a death sentence for being homosexual.

Then, talking about adoptions if it's difficult in a couple of woman and man in a homosexual couple is twice difficult. In Spain, a homosexual couple can adopt a child. Moreover, like weddings there are a lot of countries that don't accept this because they think that one child can't be grown up well without a paternal or maternal figure. 

In conclusion, I would like that in the future a homosexual couple can be accepted all around the world.

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2014


Here there is our presentation about Jewish Milestones The project is ages and stages and we talk about weddings, bar mitzvah and funerals of them.

diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2014


First of all, I feel that this new school term is more difficult than all the ESO levels together. Last year, our homeroom teacher and my other teachers told us that batxillerat would be a very big change and that we couldn't waste our time. I personally thought that they were making it better than it was but now I completly agree with what they told us. 

For example when I came back from school I can't sit on the sofa and watch TV. I haven't got much free time like last year. 

Secondly, the exams are very different. The exams are longer and more difficult. Sometimes we don't have enought time to finish them. Te worst thing is that we have to study two lessons in each exam.

Talking about homework I think that we have got more homework to do like the last year. We have got only two hours in the week for "català" and "castellà" and normally we have got a lot of homework from this subjects. 

In my opinion, we are too many students in the class and it is very difficult to pay attention in class. Sometimes there is too many noise as well. I think that I am doing well at school year but I don't know if I will pass all the subjects because I think that some subjects are difficult.



This news talk about 10 things you may not know about laughter. I choose it because I think that this news would be interesting and we can learn more about something that do everyday. 


  1. Jack Panksepp a psychologist observed laughing rats in 1990s. Rats' laugh by tickling them and he needed special equipment to hear their laugh. Rats laugh to show that they are happy similar to humans. 
  2. Adults think that they laugh when somebody tell a joke but they would be wrong. A psychologist found that we laugh more when we are with other people like friends talking. 
  3. Brain can tell the difference between deliberate and helpless laughter. 
  4. Laughter is contagiuos and someone who response this laughter we can see if this laugh is real or forced. 
  5. People find jokes funnier if they think they were told by a famous comedian and you laugh more with people that you know. 
  6. Laughter burns more calories than going for a run. You burn 210-40 calories for every 10-15 minutes laughing. 
  7. Laughter not only felt better immediately. If a couple used laughter and smiling thet stay together for longer.
  8. Laughter requieres precise timing because like a comedians it's difficult have the confidence to leave a pause for the audience to laught and cope if they don't. 
  9. Laughter is attractive more than intelligence, edutation... and it's more attractive if they laugh at our jokes. 
  10. Some things make you laugh yes or yes. 

My opinion:

I think that this news is very interesting and while I'm doing this post I'm learning about new things of laughter. The thing that impressed me more is number 9 because I didn't know that laughter will be more attractive than sexual drive for example. However, there are things that I knew about them. Like number 6 which talks about burning calories by laughting. 


First of all, I think that fast food is good just to eat it once a week for a change, but is bad to get used to eating this food every day because is dangerous for our health. This food has advantages and disadvantages. 

Advatages: One advantage is that this food saves us time because if you go to a fast food restaurant you don't have to cook. Another reason, is the price because it this very cheap and economic. 

Disadvantages: The first problem is the illnesses we can have if we consume too much fast food. It has got a lot of calories and this produces obesity, cholesterol, it also makes the triglycerides rise. For example, United States has a lot of obese people because they are used to eating fast food. 

However, people can follow a balanced diet with fast food because this has got a lot of dishes low ion calories like salads. If you have to have lunch or dinner in a fast food restaurant because for your job or because you haven't got time to cook you can eat salads, or grilled fish instead of hamburgers. 

The most obese people are childrens because when you are a child is double important yo have a good because yo are growing up. It's this parent's fault because they heve got the responsibility to look after their children. When you are a child, you don't think of being fat. You only think that this food is more delicious than healty salads. 

In conclusion, you must follow a balanced diet and be healty because if you don't take care of yourself you will have healthy problems. 

diumenge, 9 de novembre del 2014


First of all, I think that nowadays everybody has a mobile phone. This didn't happen in the past because people had a phone only at home. Only rich people could have a mobile. So, I think that now people can communicate more easily. We have got Whatsapp and facebook for example.    

However, this communicative way is more expensive than sending traditional letters because you must pay for internet every month.

Secondly, another advantatge is that you can read online newspapers because it is free and easier. So you can find and especific information wherever you like.

However, old people prefer buying the paper edition because they don't know how to use the internet because when they were young new technologies didn't exist.

Moreover, I think that new technologies help us to learn lenguages because we can watch films, videos... in other languages. Then, you can also buy things on internet too. You can find sales or buy products fron other countries.

When we talk about studies I think that new technologies are very successful. In the past students had to find information in encyclopedies, dictionaries or books. Now we can find the information in Google. It's easier, quicker and more interesting.



I choose this news because I think that it's very interesting and when I read it has impressed me. It's a beautiful news and I would like to share it with all of you. 

A women in Sweden had a baby using a transplanted womb received from a friend of 60. Cancer treatment and birth defects are the reasons because women haven't got a functioning womb.

We don't know who is this couple but the mother's ovaries still had functioning. Doctors at the University of Gothenburg did the womb transplant. Women needed drugs to prevent the womb being rejected. A year after the transplant, doctors decided to implant one of the frozen embryos for start the pregnancy. The baby was born prematurely, with 32 weeks. Mum and baby now are well. Father said: "He's no different from any other chil, but he will have a good story to tell".

My opinion: 
What I think about this news? Well, as I say before, this news has impressed me. It's a very good example that medicine is always progressing and it's a good thing for humanity. I think that all women, with a birth defects or something like this need to have the opportunity to have a baby, because this it's one of the amazing things in women's life. 

divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014



Hi Anna,

My name is Sandra Alsina Prats. I’m 16 years old. I live in Torroella de Fluvià. Right now, I’m studying Social Batxillerat because in the future I would like to study economics. In my free time, I like Meeting with my friends, reading, watching TV...

I have studied English since first of ESO because in Primary School we studied French instead. I like English but I sometimes find it a little bit difficult. I always speak Catalan with my family. I know a little bit French but I’m good at English. I haven’t got any English Certificates yet but I’m interested in First Certificate. I would like to take this exam because if I go to the University I will need it. So, my intention is to take this examination as soon as I finish Batxillerat. 

dilluns, 9 de juny del 2014


I think that my best post in 4th ESO is "BERLÍN'14" because it's the longest post and when I wrote it I remembered my trip to Berlín and my great experience there. I explained what I did in Berlín, what I saw, my feelings when I saw The Holocoust, the concentration and extermination camp... As well I choose this post because I like to wrote it.

The second part in this post is choose the best blog in my classroom. There are a really good blogs but for me, the best blog is the Míriam's blog named "Don't count the days, make the days count". She speaks english very well and she writes twice much better. It's a really good blog for visit!

dilluns, 2 de juny del 2014


Last 11th September 2013 there was a human chain for the Catalan Independence from Spain. This is the National Day of Catalonia. In 2012, people made a demonstration in Barcelona. This human chain went from "Le Pertús"  North Catalonia until "Alcanar" South Catalonia. There were 1.600.000 protesters. In some places they must make two human chains, one opposite of another because there were a lot of people. The human chain started at 17:14 reminding the year 1714 where Catalonia lost its Independence and became part of Spain. After this, people sang "Els Segadors", the hymn of Catalonia. People wore a yellow T-shirt and because it is one of the colours of the Catalan flag. People wore "l'estelada" because this is the Catalan Independent flag. The only difference from the normal flag is a blue star above. 

I'm Catalan and Independent. I would like my country in a future to get the Independece. I will be very happy. I went to the humain chain. It was a really good experience and I ejoyed this afternoon a lot. I went with my parents and the people from Torroella de Fluvià. We were in the section 624. This was in Medinyà, near Girona.

diumenge, 1 de juny del 2014


I have chosen this picture because I think it is very funny. In this picture we can see a guy next to a panda. They are sitting on the floor and eating a meal. In the foreground what we can see is the food. There is a packet on the left and an other packet on the right. Just in the middle we can see a hamburger and a drink. The guy is looking up while he is eating a hamburger. However, the panda is looking down and drinking. Behind them there is a blue wall.

It's a very funny picture they look happy while eating their meal. I think that the funniest thing is the panda. The place seems to be a very quite room where they feel relaxed. I think that this picture is an advertisement for Mc Donalds. This advertisement tells us that Mc Donalds food can be enjoyed by everyone. 


                                                listen to ‘Describing a picture’ on Audioboo


The last film that I saw it in the cinema was Divergent. It's the first part of one trilogy. The author's name is Veronica Roth. It's a dystopian novel for a young-adult people. The film is etched in a post-apocalyptic version of Chicago. As I loved it when I saw, I would like to talk a little bit about the film.

In the post-apocalyptic city of Chicago which has got the population divided into five factions: Abnegation, for the selfless; Amity, for the peaceful; Candor, for the honest; Dauntless, for the brave and Erudite, for the intelligent.  
When teenagers are sixteen year old, they must choose their place according to their personal ability. Teenagers take an aptitude test to help them to choose which faction they belong to. Beatrice Prior, our protagonist has this problem. When she takes her verdict, her family and friends are very surprised. She was born in Abnegation and she decides to go to Dauntless. She will never see her family again.  
In Dauntless she changes her name for Tris. She isn't like other teenagers. She keeps a secret which this can be the final for maintain the social order in the district and for save her own life. 

dilluns, 19 de maig del 2014


Lions can swim(source)

This new talk about one experiment where the staff of the zoo in Washington tossed the cubs lions into the moat. They showed us that are very strong and they haven't got fear to the water. 

I don't imagine that the lions can swim because they are not water animals like the dolphin. These animals are similar to cats and they generally hate water. 

Meteor in Canada(source)

A police car In Canada, to be more exact in Ontario captured with his camera a meteor falling from the sky. People say that it was about half metre long. Each person say different the colour of this meteor, someone say orange and others white. 

In my opinion could see a meteor is a great experience in our life. But see the meteor far away because if it fall down on the floor, it can destroy cities and hurt people. 

streak, dashboard, footage and reportedly.

Gold under water(source)

A company found a treasure in the Atlantic Ocean. They found 1.3 million dolars in a shipwreck. When he was sinking, the ship had 21 tons of gold in 1857. It was sinking for a hurricane off the coast of South Carolina. The coins will be sold with the price of 5.000 dolars from collectors.

I haven't got opinion of this new. I only can say that it's terrible that the ships sinking and more if it they are full of people. 

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014


I would like to visit New York. I think that it is an amazing city. People say that the buildings are very high. There are lots of skycrapes too. There is an enormous park called Central Park. People go there for a walk, to read a book or to play with their children. In the city there are different areas such us China Town, Latin Town... You can eat tradicional food from different parts of the world. In New York city you can travel by bus, by taxi, by car but the easiest way is travelling by underground. There are lots of museums, monuments and interesting buildings you can visit.

Now, I explain a little bit the most importants places in this city. Times Square is the heart of this city and the center of the theatre district. There are a lot of restaurants, shops and more. The most important place here are the Broadway theatres. The Statue of Liberty is the most important symbol in New York and United States too. It was building in 1886. In the Empire States Building you can see all New York from upstairs. Wall Street is the principal street in the financial district of this city. Here there are famous buildings like the stock market. You can't miss the 5th Avenue if you want to go shopping because is the most famous street in the city. This avenue is full of shops. As well, is famous because there was etching a lot of films and series like Sex and the City. 

I can't leave without visit Upper East Side. I know this neighborhood for the series Gossip Girl. Is in the northeast of Manhattan, between Central Park and the East River. Is one of the neighborhoods where live rich persons from New York. Here, there is one of the most important museums called Metropolitan Museum. I love this neighborhood. I would like to live here in a future but it's difficult. 


dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014



This photo shows an eruption of the Sakurajima's volcano. It is 1.117 metre of altitude. It is throwing lava bombs, lightning and clouds of ash. When I see this photo I felt impressed and I decided to describe this spectacular photo. 

Mainly, you can see that this photo is very colourful. The volcano is grey but the eruption is red, orange and yellow of the lava. The lightning is electric blue and the clouds of ash are grey as well. As before I said this photo is very spectacular because you can't see an eruption every day. Is very striking and disturbing too. 

dijous, 1 de maig del 2014


I enjoyed a lot my trip to Berlín. I didn't imagine that Berlín was such a beautiful city. I love the houses of this city because they are very nice and they are similar to the houses that I see in films. There is a lot of vegetation and this makes a good environment. 

When I arrived I felt lost because all the signs were written in German and I didn't understand. When we arrived in the afternoon we got on a bus and we went to the Brandenburger Tor. This was the monument that I like the most. It's very amazing and beautiful. On Friday night we came back to see the monument was double amazing with the lights. When the wall of Berlín was built this monument was in the communist part. Then we came back to the hostel on food meanwhile we saw a lot of monuments that they were in the street like the Cathedral. 

On Thursday I went to the concentration and extermination camp named Sachsenhausen. It isn't the most important one but this one was the nearest to Berlín. I thought that the camp would have more impact to me but it wasn't that way. Those old houses let you imagine how jewish people used to live in the past. However, I couldn't ever imagine it. 

The Holocoust is in the middle of Berlín. Is a monument for all the jewish people who were murdered in those years. This place is full of high grey columns, exactly 2.711 columns, which make you feel the anxiety and the confusion like the jewish suffered when they were arrested. We went around the place trying to get out of there and of course I could feel confused and a bit anxious. This monument liked me too. 

The wall of Berlín was knocked down in 1989. In the past, this wall separeted Berlín in two parts: the Communists from the Republicans. Now, you can only see a part of this which mesures approximately 1,5 km. This part has got a name that it's East Side Gallery. How this name say it's a gallery and all of the wall is painted with graffities expressing people's liberty. While I walked for the walk I saw a graffity made by a Catalan man called Ignasi Blanch. 

We went to three or four museums too. Some liked me more than others. The bunker liked me because we had got a guide and she told us all of the history of the bunkers. Second day, in the morning went to the parliament called Reishtag. We went into and climbed to the copula. The ladder was in circle and while you walked, you climbed until you reach the top. From up you have got a very beautiful view of Berlín. 

Brandenburger Tor
                                                      The Holocoust
The Wall of Berlín

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014


Excuse me, do you speak English?
Do you have a minute? We are doing a project for school.
Could we ask you some questions, please?

Where are you from?
I'm from Netherland.
Is it the first time that you are in Spain?
No, is the third time that i'm in Spain.
How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
I come here by plane. 
Why are you in Barcelona?
For shoppings and also cultural things.
How long are you going to stay here?
For five days. 
Are you travelling with family or friends?
I travelling with my best friend.
What have you visited up to now?
This is our second day but we just went to see the shops. And now we going to Parc Güell. 
What do you like the most?
The buildings, the people and the food.
Have you bought any presents?
How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or foot?
On foot or by bus. 
Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
She does. "Vamos pacá porfavor"
Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
Depends. Some places like the Rambla is a little bit expensive but the other places are similar with the Netherland. 
Do you see any differences from your country?
Yes, the sun.
Is there anything you don't like?
The graffiti on the buildings. 
Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?
Will you come back again?
Yes. Next year with my parents.

Thank you very much for your time!!

Enjoy your holidays, goodbye. 

I did my intervew a couple of friends. They are two women from Netherland. She told me that this isn't the first time that she is in Spain, is her third time. She came by plane with her best friend. They are going to stay in Barcelona for five days. This day was their second day and they just went to see the shops. Now they wanted to go to "Parc Güell". They like the most the buildings, the people and the food. They bought some presents. They got around the city on foot or by bus. She didn't know any words in Catalan or Spanish but her bes friend yes. She knew "Vamos pacá porfavor". They tried some typical Spanish and Catalan food. They think that in Barcelona some places like the "Rambla" is a little bit expensive but the other places are similar with the Netherland. They saw differences from their country like the sun. They didn't like the graffiti on the buildings because make the wall dirty. They recommend Barcelona to their family and friends and my interviewee will come back again next year with her parents.                                                

dilluns, 31 de març del 2014


Last Thursday, we went to Barcelona for a school excursion. We left a quarter past eight. We were more or less two hours in the bus. We didn't stop until arrived to our destination. When we arrived we got in groups. The bus left us at the Plaça Catalunya. In my group were Rosó and Míriam and I. We went to the Portal del Àngel for looking for tourists. First we found a French couple and Rosó made her questions. Then was my turn, I made my questions at one Dutch woman. Finally was the Míriam's turn and she found a German woman. Teachers let us two hours and a half for made this task but with half an hour we finished. 

Then until one o'clock we went at many differents shops like Bershka, Stradivarius, Pull and Bear... At one o'clock we went to the Cathedral because we met here with the teachers. Then they let us until three o'clock for have lunch and did what we want. At three o'clock we met with everybody to take a bus for went to the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya. The play started at five o'clock and the name was Doña Rosita la soltera. I don't like this play because more of the time I didn't understand what they say. This play was divide in three acts. The autor is Federico García Lorca. The play last more or less one hour and a half. Then, we taked a bus again and we didn't stop until arrived to Castelló d'Empúries. 



dimecres, 19 de març del 2014


  1. Setting: In the book the fights are in the streets and in the film it happens at the beach. The movie set in 20th century and in the book it is the 16th century. 
  2. Imagery: All the importants scenes of Romeo and Juliet in the film happen near the water. It means love. The fire represents thehate of the two families. At night they love because nobody can see them, but at the day light they can't love because the people can see them. The moon is the sun of their love. 
  3. Language: The narrator is the only who speaks in prose. All the other characters speak in verse. The narrator is the news reporter.   
  4. The fancy dress party: Paris think that he is superior to the others. He dress like an astronaut. Juliet's costume is an angel, symbol purity and innocence. She dress like this because in the book, when Romeo see her, he thinks that she is feel like an angel. Romeo's costume is a knight because he's Juliet's Prince Charming. Mercutio's costume is a drag queen. He's a imprudence person and he is a little bit crazy. 
  5. Elements: The horses changes for the cars, the swords for the guns, the garden when Romeo and Juliet taks after the party changes for the swimming pool, the Prince in the film is the policeman, the old dress for the modern dress...

dimecres, 5 de març del 2014



I like romantic films, comedy films... but I hate action films a lot because since I was little I hated blood. The reason why I like the romantic films is because I like the stories but for me it is better if there is drama. It's more interesting. I like romantic characters because they are perfect. My favourite film is "The Notebook" because it's very beautiful with a little bit of drama. I like the comedy films because I laugh a lot and are enjoyable. One comedy film that I like a lot is "Niños Grandes" the first and the second film. The las comedy film that I see is "The wolf of wall street".

I was glad when my phone started to ring. I answered the phone call. He was my brother. I didn't speak with him for six months. I needed him a lot. We were talking for an hour and a half. He and I had a lot of things to explain. At the moment I was very happy. We will met in my house next Saturday because he said that he had to tell me good news. I was intrigued. I was thinking about it all the week. Today is Saturday. My brother is coming and I'm very nervous. Now, I hear my bell. Will it be him?


dilluns, 3 de març del 2014


This story talks about two rich families. They are enemies and they always fight in the streets. Their names are: The Montagues and the Capulets. One day, the Capulets celebrated a party. The Montagues weren't invited to the party but the son went. Tybalt one of the Capulets saw Romeo and he was angry. In this party Romeo was in love with Juliet, the Capulets' daughter. The next day they got married. Tybalt wanted to fight with Romeo but they didn't want because now he was his cousin. Mercutio, Romeo's friend fought with Tybalt but he killed Mercutio because he was very good with the sword. Romeo killed Tybalt for revenge. The Prince of Verona banished Romeo. So he had to escape from Verona and go to Mantua. Lord Capulet ordened that Juliet must marry with Paris. He didn't know that she was already married. Juliet asked for help to Friar Laurence and he gave to Juliet one poison and one potion. She drank the poiton and she fell sleep fot fourty-two hours. All the people thank that she was died execpt Friar Laurence. When Romeo knew that Juliet was died he inmediatly returns  to Verona. She was in a tomb. Romeo drank the poison and died too. When Juliet woke up she saw Romeo died and she stabbed herself and fell. The message which said that Juliet wasn't dead didn't arrive to Romeo. This was a terrible day for Verona.  (252)


dijous, 27 de febrer del 2014


When I have some free time I go to my grandmother's house and make a dessert. First, I make sure that I have all the ingredients. If I need something I go to the shop of my town and I get it. One of the desserts I like the most is cupcakes. It's very easy to make. I think that the cupcakes are tasty and it's perfect for a winter afternoon. When you are finished the recipe, you can decorate the cupcakes like you want. This is the recipe: 

- 1 natural yogurt. 
- Zest of lemon.
- 3 eggs
- 1 packet of baking powder. 
With the glass of yogurt measure:
- 1 yogurt of oil
- 2 yogurts of sugar
- 3 yogurts of confectionary fluor

Perheap the oven to 180ºC. Put the natural yougurt, the zest of lemon, the three eggs in a bowl. Then add the yogurt of oil, two yogurts of sugar, three yogurts of confectionary fluor and finally the packet of baking powder. 

Beat the mixture. When the mixture is well of texture. Neighter too liquid nor too dense. You can fill the moulds of cupcakes with the mixture but only until the middle. Then put the mixture into the oven for 30 minutes more or less. You must look after the cupcakes because each oven is different. 

After 30 minutes, open the oven and poke one cupcake with a toothpick. If the cupcakes are well cooked the toothpick must leave clean and then you can leave the cupcakes of the oven. With this cooking trick you can look if the cupcakes are fluffies too.


dimecres, 19 de febrer del 2014


William Shakespear was born on 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon near London. He was an English poet, playwright and actor. He is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. 

Hir mother called Mary Arden had an inherited land and this was bequeathed to William. His father called John Shakespeare was a glovemaker, shop keeper and he had land owner and he was the mayor of Stratfort. William had 7 brothers and sisters. He was in the free grammar school until 15 years old. He studied mainly Latin and read a lot of Mithologhy, Lives, Ovid...On 27th of November 1582 he married with Anne Hathaway. She only was 8 years old. They had three children. He lived in London most of his life. He had a landowner in Stratford and then when he retired he went to live there. 

By 1592 he was recognized like an actor in London and then a leading poet. He was a member of the Chamberlain's Men group. Between 1611 and 1613 he retired of the theatre. He died on 23rd of April 1616 in Stratford. He was buried in the chancel of the Church of Holy Trinity. 

                            source                                       source

dimecres, 12 de febrer del 2014


This text talks about chocolate confectionary specially on Valentine's Day. In the USA, California is the most important state followed by Pennsylvania when talking about production. In these states establishments employ around 43.322 people producing cocoa products. People spent lots of money buying chocolates and candy. As an example, in 2004 the industry earnt about $5,7 billions buying these products. American people love candy. Althought the consumption has declined in the recent years, American people tasted more than 27 pounds of candy per person a year. 

In this exercise I had to complete these sentences chosing the correct word. These are the ones I didn't understand and I had to look up in a dictionary. 

In this exercise I had to complete this crosswords using valentine's vocabulary. 

dilluns, 27 de gener del 2014


In an old's people home a man reads a beautiful love story written in his notebook to a woman. This story talks about Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson, two young teenagers that they live in North Carolina. Although they are very different because she's rich and he's poor they fall in love and pass all the summer together. Allie's parents don't like Noah because they think that her daughter need a rich person. When the summer finishes she must go back home. He breaks up with her because he doesn't want her to suffer. After some years Allie is engaged to a military man. Before marrying her return to North Carolina for finds Noah. He is alone and he repairs their summer house. When they meet, she remember that he was her first love. She stay with Noah until her mother come to finds she. Allie is very confused. Finally Allie was stayed with her fisrt love. The two old people of the beginning are Noah and Allie. She have got Alzheimer and Noah reads their story with the hope that she remembers. He gets his resolution, Allie remember for a few moments. This night they sleep together and die. 

I have chosen this film because it's my favourite romantic story. It's a very nice story and I really like it. When I watch this film I feel thrilled forever. The message of this film is that the true love is forever althought there were a lot of obstacles.