dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016


My first post was in 2013. I talked about my dreams. I think that I can get achieve to travel to New York. This is the easier dream. The hardest one is live on the Upper East Side. I follow with the idea to be a business woman. Nowadays, I follow with the idea to be a business woman. I am a straight thinking person. Comparing with my last post, I have improved a lot my vocabulary and my grammar. i have more maturity writing. It's more easy write a text now than three years ago. 

Talking about oral presentations I improve too. I have more fluency when I speak and my pronunciation is better. However, I follow getting really nervous when I introduce something in public. I think that this never change. My first oral presentation was about Jewish milestones and the last one was about my research paper. 

During these years, I have done some podcasts. I think my best one is my London podcast because it's the last one and it's more worked than the others. Also by reason of it's my favourite. When I done it, I remembered my travel to London. It was a very good experience. I would like to go back in the future. Link

If I have to choose the best writing I don't know which is the best one. I think that there are more than one that are good. I like do your-says, because I express my opinion about one topic. The best ones are the latests because there are more worked. 

With this post I close my English blog. Doing it, I really improved my english. It's a good idea to do a blog because with the your-says you have to think about different topics and sometimes it's difficult to express what you think aboout it in a writing. News are so useful too because you read high texts and you learn lots of good vocabulary. Also because you know what happen in the world. I don't want to leave my English. I would like to learn more and more and get a very good knowledge from this language.  

dijous, 12 de maig del 2016


When you see him, you feel a strange feeling, but I don’t know if it is good or bad. This mysterious person is a girl. She is about twenty years old. She is tall and quite slim. She has got wavy brown long hair. She looks like an actress or model because she is stunning. Her skin is like porcelain, so perfect. Besides, she seems fit. I think that she has been doing some sport quite a while. On the contrary, she seems so fragile too. I find her every day when I am back home from the university. When I see her beauty, I disconnect to the world. I am crazy about her, and above all with her big blue eyes. She loves coffee because she is always in the same bar drinking one. One day I talked with her and her voice is melodic. I think that she is from another country because when she talks, you can hear a French accent.

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016


Nowadays, we live in a society aged so much, due to many reasons such as the highest life expectancy that we have.

Each towns or cities have different activities addressed to old people. In relation to the activities which are done with elderly people, I think that these are fantastic. There are excursions, workshops… For example, in my town there is a building centre where old people go there every Friday in order to meet, speak and spend the afternoon together.

However, elderly people can have some attention problems. Not all old people have someone who takes care of them and there is a moment that they need really attention. In the same way that these old people had looked after their children, now adults, I think that these children have to look after their parents when they are old. However, it’s true that there are residences where they stay, though I don’t think it’s the best place.

Talking about adolescents, things have changed too much recently. Respect to elderly people is one of the things that we can’t forget.

As a conclusion, old people deserve the right attention and respect above all from their family because surely they have done the same for their children before.


divendres, 6 de maig del 2016


Turkey's president has told the EU it will not change its anti-terror laws in return for visa-free travel. The EU has asked Turkey to revise its laws as a condition for allowing Turkish citizens visa-free travel for short stays. They want that migrants, mainly Syrians, returns to Turkey from Greece in order to ease Europe's migration crisis. Mr, Erdrogan said that the proposed constitutional changes were a national need.

The EU wants Turkey to change their laws about terrorism in order to be more similar to EU standrards. Mr. Erdogan doesn't agree because he said that Turkey remained under a severe threat of terrorism. Turkey is near Syria and Iraq. He says: "We will go our way, you go yours". 

My opinion:
I think that terrorism has to finish. War is not the solution for problems in life. Then, also think that we would have to help building homes in refugees' countries in order to they can come back. Also, because if lots of people comes in a country this is not good for this because there will be too many people. 


There was a devastating wildfire in the Canadian city of Fort McMurray. The exact scale of the damage is difficult to say. 1.600 homes and other buildings have been destroyed. Whole neighbourhoods have been wiped out.

Some parts of the city are still standing as the hospital. The city's airports suffered only minor damange thanks the efforts from the firefighters. The residents who fled their homes said that this couldn't be real. 

The fire in the province of Alberta covers 850 sq km and the entire city of almost 90.000 people was evacuated three days ago. Bill Stewart, co-director of the University of California's Center for Fire Research and Outreach, says that only nature can stop fire entirely. It's a dangerous and terrifying time for the firefighters. 

My opinion:
Unfortunately, nature punishes us with these natural disasters. Luckily, in this case there aren't death people because they were evacuated some days ago. I think that firefighters are so important in our life. In my area, in the summer of 2012 there was a big fire. I wish that I never see another time a fire so nearly from me. 


Authoriries in Kenya have begun demolishing homes in an specific area. Last week, the collapse of a building killed at least 26 people. This building had been declared unfit for human habitation. Like this, there are lots of buildings that have to be destroyed.

At this moment, there are eight buildings destroyed in the district of Huruma. The buildings' structures aren't resistant for all the people that live inside. People were warned a week ago to vacate, but they don't leave their home until the last moment. 

Another building collapsed on 29 April, for the height Kenya's rainy season. The rescue operations continue. There are soldiers, firefighters and volunteers. Trained dogs are helping too. On Kenyan TV, transmited the rescued by a 24-years-old woman who was pregnant. She was through slabs
My opinion:                                                                 
I choose this news because talks about one human right. People have the right to have a deserving home. There are lots of people that don't have a shelter or that live in an awful condition. Especially in developening countries. This is not fair, and less when we talk about children because adults can survive more easily. 


In February, when I went to London with my highschool classmates, we visited lots of interesting places. One of my favourite was Candem Town. 

When you visit it you can't believe that you are in London. It's very different from thw city centre, As London city is very modern, Candem Town has a hippie style. In the streets there are lots of shops and the buildings are very creative and well decorated. There are tattoes shops, souvenirs shops, clothes shops... I got in most of them and had a look at their souvenirs. Actually, I bouhgt a book called "In a dark dark wood" in Waterstone's Bookshop.

At the end of the street there is the Candem Market, a really cultural place. This market has two differents spaces. The first one, has many food stands with typical food from different cities of the world. And the second one you can buy clothes, jewels, arts and crafts ans so on.

I really enjoyed visiting Candem Market. If I ever go back to London, this will be a place I will visit again. 


Scientists say a breakthrough in growing embryos will improve fertility treatments and revolutionise knowledge of the earliest steps to human life. In the UK and US, the research was halted just before the embryons arrived at 14-days old. Before, scientists only researched untill a week, the moment to implant it into the womb. This is possible because they have found a way to chemically mimic the womb. 

The investigation give to the scientists how the embryo starts the process of organising itself into a human being. This time is very important because is when many embryos purchase development defects or fail to implant. Scientists are so proud because this discovery is enormous implicated with reproductive technologies. 

There is international agreement that experiments should not allow embryos to develop past 14 days. From this moment, embryo becomes an "individual". It is an area that could spark huge ethical debate in the coming years. 

My opinion:    
In my opinion, this investigation is so useful. I am agree to do these kind of researches if with they can learn about embryos and do pregnancy more easy. Also, I agree with this international agreement that not passed the 14-days old because after this moment there will be a life and with a person we can't experiment. 



Everyone has their own personal range of bacteria living on their skin, a US study suggests. In the human skin there are lots of bacteria, fungi and viruses. These are as much in the dry sites like in the oily sides. 

Most are harmless or even beneficial, but some have been linked with skin disorders such as acne. Eczema tends to affect moist sides and psoriasis commonly occurs on dry exposed areas. 

There are some investigations. The stability of skin bugs varied according to the person. In the future, the scientists plan to study patients with eczema and other conditions to look at how microbes might vary with disease. 

My opinion:
I choose this news because I find it interesting. People have to investigate in order to make a better world with less illness. In the last years, technology have improved a lot. 


dijous, 5 de maig del 2016


Police in Germany are investigating the deaths of two women. They are the victims os a couple who held them hostage and tortured them. The murderers were a man called Wilfried and Angelika, his ex-wife. Detectives believe there may be more victims. The murderers' home is in Hoexter, north-western Germany. 

There are two cases. The first one, the victim was a 41-year-old woman, known as Susanne F. The women died later in hospital because she didn't be died, she was only injured. The second case was in the summer of 2014. The victim was 33 years old, called Annika W. Both suffered from physical torture. 

Police believe the motive for the murders was more likely to be power-relared than sexual. Angelika B. say that she only obeyed the man after also being tortured by him. The head of this investigation is Ralf Oesterman. 

My opinion:   
I can't understand how people can be so evil. A person who does this hasn't got consciousness. I choose this news because I want to know more about this case and because it's relation with human rights. A person never can take away the life of another person.

divendres, 29 d’abril del 2016


3 Santa Clara
Castelló d'Empúries
14th April, 2016
Wok Restaurant

Dir Sir or Madam,

I am writing in order to explain my experience having lunch last week. I am very dissapointed with your meat and the hygiene of the local. 
First of all, when I arrived I found food sticked in chairs. Then, the glass was so dirty. When I saw that, I told there imperfections to the waiter but he did not attend me. 
In the other hand, speaking about the meat I found that tasted so bad. I do not know if this was rotten or was of an animal that I never eat. 

At this point, I request us that do a revision of the restaurant. 

Your faithfully,

Maria Sánchez


Human rights are the rights you have simply because you are human. They were created in 1945 by the United Nations (New York) and there are 30 human rights. 

I choose the 26th human right to talk about it. This is the right to education and it says the following things: 
  • Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. 
  • Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
  • Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Words of the video: annoying - molest/irritant

This human right is respected in some countries and violated in the others. For example: in the developing countries, there isn't this right. Children don't go to school because the odds are that there aren't schools. However, if there are probably they can't go because they have to work in order to survive him and their family. A developing country's school is very different than a school in a developed country. This is the other hand, where the right of education is respected. In the developed countries all the children go to school in a private or public, but they can go to some school. I think that this right would have to be respected in all the world because education is very important. With the education, children can have their own opinion of the world, is more difficult trick him... It will be nice that some volunteer will go to these countries in order to teach the children even if be the most basic things.                               

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2016


"Now let me tell you something your parents will tell you: Make me proud, icreases your chances of getting a job, provides you an opportunity to be successful, your life will be a lot less stressful, education is the key". 

I choose this paragraph because I agree with that our parents tell us this, but I don't agree with what the paragraph says. Society says the same too. Parents think that if you have a degree you will be more successful in life and this isn't true. If you don't like study you can go to work in order to win money and maybe you will be able become a very important person like Steve Jobs. This famous man is an uneducated man. You can make your parents proud without having a degree. Another thing to comment is that having a degree is not synonym that getting a job related to your studies. However, if you are an educated person you have more opportunities for getting a whatever job. Finally, is not true that if you are an educated person your life will be less stressful. People who works having a degree or not can be stressful in the same way. However, studying is not easy and is so stressful. 

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016


A newly discovered 250-million-year-old fossil reptile from Brasil gives an extraordinary insight into life just before the dinosaurs appeared. The reptile named Teyujagua is the close relative of a group that gave rise to dinosaurs, crocodiles and birds. As the scientists say the fossil is "beautiful" and fills an evolutionary gap

Dr. Richard Butler from the University of Birmingham said the animal is a new species that hasn't been previously known. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports says: "It'svery close to the ancestry of a very important group of reptiles called archosauriforms".

This ancient reptile lived just after a mass extinction event 252 million years ago. About 90% of the species were lost, creating a place for other animals like Teyujagua. The reptile and its close relatives became the dominant animals on the land and eventually gave rise to the dinosaurs. Teyujagua was a small crocodile-like animal that probably lived at the side of lakes, feeding on fish. 

Dr. Felipe Pinheiro, from Universudade Federal do Pampa, is one of the three scientists who discovered the well-preserved fossil skull near the southern city of São Francisco de Assis. He said that the discovery was really exciting and they known that they had something extraordinary in their hands. Teyujagua is different from other fossils from the same era. 

My opinion:
I'm not a scientist girl, but when I read the news I consider it very interesting because talks about the beginning of the world and the origin of the dinosaurs. I didn't know that before dinosaurs there were others species. I always think that dinosaurs were the first SPECIES in the world.

divendres, 11 de març del 2016


According to the Guinness World Records organisation a survivor of the Auschwitz death camp is now the world's oldest man. This man is called Yisrael Kristal and is 112 years old. He was born near Zarnow in Poland in 1903 and lived throught two world wars. 
When he received his Guinness World Records certificate, said: 
"I don't know the secret for long life, I believe that everything is determined from above". "There have been smarter, stronger and better looking men than me who are no longer alive" he added. 

He has a hard life. During the World War was separated from his parents. After the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939, he and his family were moved into a ghetto. He lost his two children and later, he and his wife were sent to Auschwitz in 1944 after the ghetto was liquidated. His wife was murdered in Auschwitz and he was the sole survivor from his family. When he was found weighed just 37 kg. In 1950 emigrated to Israel with his second wife and their son. 

His daughter said the Holocaust had not affected her father's beliefs. The Auschwitz death camp was built in 1940. About one million Jews were killed at the camp. Victims included disabled people, homosexuals, dissidents...

My opinion:

I think that this man is a very big fighter. Not for the longest age that he has, if not for all he has lived. He has all my respects. Leave from a death camp is really difficult, the most of people die, but he can survive. Another thing is looking how your family dies, I couldn't. He is very stronger too talking about his memories because there are people who never want to talk about horrible things like this. 


dissabte, 5 de març del 2016


WhatsApp is to end support for a number of old operating systems such as Blackberry 10 because the company wanted to focus development on the mobile platforms that the majority of people use. WhatsApp will stop working on these old operating systems by December 2016. 

The reason for dropping support of these operating systems is that they're no longer updated or installed on new devices. The company of Blackberry said that they are actively exploring alternatives for BlackBerry users once the support of WhatsApp ends in late 2016. This operating system accounts for less than 1% of the market. To the contrary, when WhatsApp started in 2009 about 70% of smartphones sold had operating systems by BlackBerry and Nokia. 

This is the full list of operating systems that WhatsApp will stop suporting:
  • Android 2.1 and Android 2.2
  • Blackberrt OS 7 and earlier
  • Blackberry 10
  • Nokia S40
  • Nokia Symbian S60
  • Windows Phone 7.1
My opinion:                                                                                                                             
I don't agree with that these mobiles which work with an "old" operating system don't have the support by WhatsApp. There are people who can't buy a new next generation mobile and with their old mobiles are so happy. This is only to do business and for self-interest. 


divendres, 4 de març del 2016


                                  (All of these pictures are taken by me)

dijous, 3 de març del 2016


A Swiss study said that emotional stress that causes chest pains and breathlessness can occur in moments of joy like anger, grief and fear. Three-quarters of cases of takotsubo cardiomyopathy (a change in the shape of the heart's left ventricle, which can be fatal) are caused by stress. The University Hospital Zurich suggests about one in 20 cases is caused by joy. In the study, researchers discovered heart problems caused by:
  • A birthday party
  • A son's wedding
  • Meeting a friend after 50 years
  • Becoming a grandmother...

The study also suggested most cases were in post-menopausal women. One of the researchers said that the triggers for takotsubo syndrome can be more varied than they thought. Much more research is needed to understand how such emotional events can trigger temporary heart damage in some people. The medical director of the British Heart Fundation said that Takotsubo syndrome is a rare event. 

My opinion:
I found this news interesting because I didn't know that hearts damages can come from a moment of joy like a son's wedding. I thought that hearts damages came from bad things like fear. As everything, more research is needed.



Google has donated $1 to Unicef to help stop the spread of the Zika virus. The virus affects to a large number of babies born with underdeveloped brains in Brazil. Last month, the World Health Organization declared the Zika virus as a global public health emergency.

Google engineers are working with Unicf to analyse data, to determine how to map and anticipate the virus. They have also updated its search engine to display more information about Zika for visitors to the US and other countries. 

This virus is in the same category of importance as Ebola. The difference is that in Ebola the researchers was focused to treat patients and prevent transmission and with Zika the attention is on understanding the virus' link with microcephaly. 

My opinion:                                                                                                                         
All the illnesses are disturbing, but more if its affects on the babies born. Always appears new illnesses that we didn't know about it. This is not the main problem, because the world and the ecosystem are changing a lot and it's normal that appears new illnesses. The really problem is find a cure. 


Near the Safestay London Holland Park we can see the Opera Holland Park, the Orangery, the Holland Park Pre-School, the Town Hall and the Kyoto Garden. 

The hostel is more or less 1hour far on foot from the center Piccadilly Circus. If you go to the center with the bus you arrive in 35 minutes and with a tube you arrive between 20 and 30 minutes.

In London, I would like to visit lots of places, but If I have to choose I pick The Coca-Cola London Eye because you can see a very amazing views from all the city. It's a major feature of London's skyline. Then, I would like to visit The Big Ben that it's the Great Bell of the clock at north end of the Palace of Westminster in London. It's the second largest four-faced chiming clock in the world. And finally, the National History Museum that it's a museum of natural history that  exhibits a vast range of specimens from various segments of natural history. 

The days that we are going to stay in the city, there are a lot of shows in the London theatre. I would like to see The Lion King because there is a story that I read when I was a child and I would be so happy seeing the musical of this. On Saturday night the cheapest ticket for The Lion King costs £68.00. Another musical that I would like to see is Mamma Mia! because I really like the story and when I was in the school I did our musical there. The cheapest price on Saturday night is £26.00.


divendres, 26 de febrer del 2016


An important thing in a relationship is being comfortable with your partner. Sharing the same likes and dislakes, doing free time activities together, visiting different places... are very important things to do to feel good with your relationship. If all these things don't work well, then you look for another person who offers you these qualities as your couple don't provide you enough.

Forgiving or no forgiving depends on each person. Some people can forgive easily and carry on a normal life. However, there are people who can't forget. Once you have been cheated it is quite difficult to trust your partner. Although he has promised you that he made a terrible error.

I think that there are many things we must take into account before taking a decision. You should consider the pros and the cons of the relationship. Another thing to consider is if he/she will be stronger to forgive his/her couple or if it's better to break up that relation and start a new life. 


dijous, 25 de febrer del 2016


In the small town of Copparo, in central Italy, a few weeks back, primary school teacher Margherita Aurora, was intrigued when one of her students, used an unfamiliar word in a written assignment. The student, Matteo, described a flower as "petaloso" ("full of petals". The word doesn't exist but grammatically it makes sense as a combination of "petalo" ("petal") and the suffix "-oso" ("full of").

Aurora think how could the eight-year-old Matteo have invented a new word? They wrote to the Accademia della Crusca to ask for their opinion. One of the Crusca's top linguistic experts wrote that the word is well formed and could be used in the Italian language. It's beautiful and clear. So that the word will be official a larg number of people need to use it and undertand the meaning. 
The teacher wrote on her Facebook acount the following: "this is worth more than a thousand Italian lessons" and shared pictures of the letter. She triggered a movement. Her Facebook post has been shared more than 80.000 times and on Twitter #petaloso was used almost 40.000 times. The word quickly became the trop trending topic in Italy. "Petaloso its on the way to becoming an official Italian word. 

My opinion:
When I read the tittle of the news I thought what was this new word and I wanted to read all the news. It's amazing how an eight-year-old boy invented a new word. This boy in a few years will feel proud of himself. Sometimes, children have twice imagination than adults. 


dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2016


If we look through the years, we can see that our society has changed a lot, and one of the causes has been the technology. We can say that until now, technology has helped to make a better and also, an easy world, but we have to consider now, it's injuring us. 

We have to thank to technology all the progresses in comunications, in medicine... that we have achieved but we should think about the power that it has in us nowadays; most of us can't live without the latest technology, without the a phone or a computer, and this is a problem because we are becoming addicted and dependent. 

So, as a conclusion, we can say that technology has helped us make a better world but also, it has the power to make a worse society for the importance that we are giving to it. 


divendres, 19 de febrer del 2016


This year, the carnival was on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of February. I went to Rose's Carnival with a group called Scargottins. The Carnival is one of the most important festivals in this big town and one of the most beautiful displays in all Catalonia. There, this festival is really amazing and GOES on for five days, from Thursday untill Monday. In my group we dressed up as tyroleans. The costume was so cute. 

On Thursday, the first day, arrive the figure that symbolise Carnival. People go to the street with costumes from other years and they do a little display. Then, they go to the dance hall in order to continue the party. I couldn't go on the first day because in our high school we haven't got holiday next day, on Friday, such as Roses' high schools.

The second day, it's really when the Carnival starts. At nine p.m. BEGINS the real show. This year there were more than seventy carriages. My group has the number thirty-two. When the carriages finish the parade they go to the port. This year the place closed at three a.m. because the other years had lots of incidents. Then, the people who want to continue the party go to the dance hall or to the pavilion. 

On Saturday, the parade STARTS at four p.m. It's the children's moment. The route is the same that on Friday night, and when this is finished the carriages go to the port too. In the night, people who wants go to the pavilion. 

On Sunday, the display at 12 a.m. Like the two previous days, when this finish the carriages go to the port and in the night people go to the pavilion. Every day the parade begin before. When Sunday arrive people know that Carnival is finishing.

The last day, on Monday, there is a public lunch for all the carriages. Then, IN the afternoon they do "L'enterrament de la sardina" where the figure that symbolises Carnival is burned. This shows us the end of Carnival. Such as the first day, I couldn't go because I had high school. 

This was the best Carnival of my life! I only want to be on the next year to relive that experience. Next year, I am going to go to the university and I will go to the Carnival all days.

diumenge, 14 de febrer del 2016


Key words: sleep, dreams, sleep disorders, illness, ages

Do you know if you sleep well? Lots of people suffer from some sleep disorders and they are not aware of it. They think that disorders like insomnia are not as important as could be other illnesses. With this research paper we can state that night rest is far more important than what we think. Appart from that, the essay also reffers to different kinds of dreams which are highly related to sleep. 


Last month, I had a problem with my mobile phone. It didn't work and I had to begin again it. As a result, I lost all of my pictures, videos and more. In my gallery was my oral presentation, about my research paper, that I had to update on my blog. I'm really sorry bu't I haven't got the video. I tried to recover it but I couldn't. With this problem, I have learned that I have to keep my pictures, videos... in the iCloud so that I never have this problem again. 
I leave us here my prezi presentation in case you want to see it. My research paper talks about the sleeping disorders and dreams. Sorry again!! 


dijous, 14 de gener del 2016


I will talk about a very common illness that affects many people nowadays. It's called stress. 
Many of my friends agree that they have many things to do in a normal day. Such as school homework, exams, some of duties at home.. Them admet being suffering from stress. 

How stress affects our body?
First of all, it's demostrated that stress can affect your heart. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide. Moreover, stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomaches and problems digesting food. Stress also affects emotions. People suffering from stress often feel anxious and they may have panic attacks. People who are under stress often overreact to little problems. Moreover, long-time stress can lead to a variety of serious mentall illnesses like depression. 

How can we avoid being stressed?
We can avoid being stressed having a quiet social life. A healthy diet is another solution too. Doing outside activities like go for a walk are a good idea for relaxing yourself. If you have free time you can go to the gym to get away from your problems.  


dilluns, 11 de gener del 2016


Characters: Kol, Flower. 
Scenario: Flower's house, we're taking a coffe and talking about life because we haven't seen since las night when we went out to the disco. 

Kol: I was thinking about last night and I think that I would like to operate my boobs. 
Flower: Why?
K: Because I think that they are too small.
F: But they are always been like that.
K: That's why, I think that I need a change. 
F: Have you thought about that? Your boobs can explote in a plane! I've seen it in the news. 
K: Oh Flower, don't be such killjoy! I never take planes, you know it. 
F: That's right, but where do you want to be operated?
K: I want to go to the USA, where the best plastic surgeons are. 
F: But this is too expensive! 
K: Don't worry, I have some savings... which with I wanted to buy a new house....
F: Really? I don't believe that you prefere having two big boobs than a good house!