divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015


Last Friday, in Paris, many terrorist attacks took place in the most popular places of the city centre. A hundred and twenty-nine people lost their lives. One of those victims was a 35 years old woman called Hélène Muyal-Leiris who was wife and mother of a family. 
Her husband has written a letter in facebook addressed to those terrorists who committed that terrible success. 

In the letter he says that terrorists have not succed in stripping him of his sense of security and freedom "at home". This is how he reffers to this country. Of course, he admits being devastated by this pain. Moreover, he can not imagine the moment when he as a father will have to explain his son the way his mother died. Leires goes further saying that he won't grow up his son with hatred. Instead, he will educate his son with happiness, freedom and respect. Leires states: "The terrorists will not win our hatred".

My opinion:
I would like you to think of Leires words and imagine what would you do if you had lost a family member in a terrorist attack. I state that Leires is a very strong man and he had had lots of courage to write this letter. 



The roles of women have changed a lot in our society in the last 100 years.  Before they couldn't do anything and nowadays women can do things like man like work. However, although they do the same job the salary is not the same. There isn't a real gendes equality.This happens in the developed countries where women can work because in the underdeveloped countries the roles of women are the same like 100 years ago. Unfortunately there are countries where women are not value as they deserve. 

In the book we can see that women normally must stay at home looking after their husband. In the 21th centuary this also happens but not like a husband years ago. Women aren't a decorative sex like in the book say, I think that women have the same importance as the men and that they can do the same things like study, teach and more. 


Next year I'm going to start my studies at university. I really wish to finish this High school year because it's the worst in my life. When my oldest friends told me that 2nd batxillerat was the most difficult school year I couldn't believe them but now I'm realizing that it's true. We have lots of works, exams and moreover the Research Project. 

I'm going study at the university of Girona because I really like the city. I think that if I went to study in Barcelona I would be very stressed. I would like to take an economic degree like "Comptablitat i finances" because I really like this world. I will share a flat with some more students, some of them are my close friends. I think that this option is better than taking the train every day. 

Staying in a flat in Girona will allow me to have more time to study and iy will help me to follow a routine. Moreover, I will have the opportunity to live by myself which will make me grow and become more independent. However, I will try to turn uo at home so that my family don't worry to much for me. 


The volunteer firefighter Patrick Hardison, who is 41 years old, has been under surgeon for 26 hours to have a new face. The operation took place last August. 

The donor was a 26 year old boy called David Rodebaugh who died in a cycling accident. Patrick had third degree burns of his entire face and scalp. He had waited for more than a year to have the surgery done. The operation cost one million dollars. Mr. Hardison will have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life. 

The doctor gave a press conference and he said that the amount of tissue transplanted in Patrick had not been done before. He also said the patient is doing really well though it had been a difficult operation. However, Mr. Hardison will need more surgery in a few months time. Mr. Hardison states that he is very pleased with the results. He says: "They have given me a new life". 

My opinion: 
It's difficult to believe that surgery can do these miracles. Medicine has improved a lot in the recent years. I admire what doctors can do with people who have had a terrible accident. 

(This is Patrick before and after the surgery)



Last Thursday, 29th of October there was an 4,3 grates earthquake with the epicentre in the Roses gulf. One month ago, there had been a smaller one in the same place but the last one was noticed in more towns. 

The latest earthquake was far more stronger than the previous one. It took place at two o'clock in the morning. At that time people were peacefully sleeping in bed as usual and they were woken up by the sudden movement and walls creaking. They felt terrified because they didn't know what was that noise. 

I didn't notice the earthquake and when I went to school my classmates told me about what was happened. In fact, although they told me that was a frightened moment I would have liked realize.  

My grandfather, who lives in Roses, tolm me that when he was a child, people used to say that under the Mediterranean sea close to Cap de Creus there were dorment volcanoes and now could be that those volcanoes were waking up. 

(The picture shows us where was the epicentre of the earthquake was)


Nearly one in five students had sexaul harassment during their first week at university. The poll aimed to find out which students had either been victims of or witnesses to sexual harassment. 

The majority of these incidents happend at social events or night clubs while a third happened in halls of residence. A sexual comment about people's body it's also a form of harassment. 

In recent years, in many university campuses students have had a conference about sexism, sexual harassment and assault as commonplace.

The officer Susuana Amoah of the NUS said that "it's extremely worrying but not surprising". NUS has been working on this topic over the last five years as they consider it a very important field

Sometimes sexual harassment is not visible to students and this needs to change. Some students will be supporting this research and will try to help students to report it any time they suffer from sexual harassment.

My opinion:
Nowadays sexual harassment is a worrying problem in the majority of the universities and I think that conferences should be given to our future students to make that they will aware about this field. 



Every year, between the 21st ans 22nd of October the Orionid Meteor Shower lights up the sky offering everyone the chance to catch nature at its best. 

What's the Orionid Meteor Shower?
This meteor is made up of ice and dust fragments from the Halley's Comet. 
The name comes from the Orian constellation, one of the most visible constellation in the sky. 

When can I watch it?
The newspaper recomends that the best day to see the meteor shower will be on Tuesday morning just before dawn.

Where can I watch it? 
The best areas are the ones which usually have little light pollution, not the best news for city dwellers. However, there are a number of sites around the UK when the night sky is not affected too badly by light pollution.

What will I need?
You only need your eyes yo see the Orian Meteor Shower and staring peacefully at the sky. 

My opinion:
I believe that I've never seen a meteor on live with my own eyes. I have just seen it on TV or on the computer. I would like to see it one live at least once in my life.



Once I met a woman who loves cooking. In fact, she loves baking cakes. She showed me how to make a traditional English cake called "Apple Pie". She told me that when she used to have one of those days she was feeling a bit depressed, she just went into the kitchen and started preparing something sweet. I find this bake very easy to prepare. 
Here, you will find the recipe: 

  • 180 gr flour
  • 80 gr sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 envolope baking soda
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 Granny Smith apples cut into small pieces
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 coffeespoon of nutmeg
Preheat the oven to 200ºC. In a bolw, pour the flour, the eggs, the sugar, the butter, the lemon juice and the nutmeg. Blend it for 5 minutes until the mixture is soft. Then, add the apple, cut into small pieces, and finally add the baking soda. Then, mix the batter mixture with a spatule until everything is well mixed. Pour the batter into a greased pan and bake it for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes and remove it from the pan. 
If you prefer you can serve it with some vainilla cream. Enjoy it!


Sleep makes you feel better. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind and more. These are the 11 benefits you get if you have a good slep.
  • Improve memory: During sleep you can strenghten memories or "practice" skills learned while you were awake (it's a process called consolidation).
  • Live longer?: Sleep too much or too little is associated with a shortes lifespan. Sleep also affects quality of live. If you sleep better, you can certainly live better. 
  • Curb inflamation: People who sleep less than six or fewer hours a night have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins than those who get more hours sleep. 
  • Spur creativity: People seem to strenghten the emotional components of a memory during sleep, which may help spur the creative process. 
  • Be a winner: Sleep is good to improve your performance.
  • Improve your grades: Children between the ages of 10 and 16 who have sleep disordered are more likely to have problems with attention and learning, Also if you didn't get enough sleep had worse grades than those who did.
  • Sharpen attention: Children between the ages of seven and eight who sleep less than eight hours a night were more likely to be hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive.
  • Have a healthy weight: Dieters who sleep well loses more fat than those who don't sleep enough hours. Dieters also feel more hungry when they get less sleep.
  • Lower stress: Sleep can reduce levels of stress and people can have better control of their blood presure. It's also believed that sleep effects cholesterol levels.
  • Avoid accidents: Sleepiness affects reaction time and decision making. Insuficient sleep can be as detrimental to your driving ability as having an alcoholic drink. 
  • Steer clear of depression: Good night's sleep can really help a moody person decrease their anxiety. You get more emotional stability with good sleep. 
My opinion:
I think that it was an interesting piece of news to read. I have learnt more about this topic and I also realised that we should give more importance the way we sleep. 


This piece of news was written by a 21 year old girl. She tell us her experience in her relationship and what she learned from it. 
Falling in love is a scary and beautiful thing. When you begin in a relationship you know that one day it might finish and one of the couple might be hurt. She gave all she had in that relationship, but one day, he just ended with her. She was completely heartbroken and she cried a lot until she finally realized that he had lost more than her. She learned a few things about herself. The most important one was that she would honestly rather get hurt never again. 
  1. Getting your heart broken helps you grow: All people should experience a heart break in their liver because it teaches humility to you. Once you have your heart broken you understand the pain, and you most likely won't do that to someone else. Also you will be more compassionate in future relationships. 
  2. It makes me feel alive: Feeling hurt means you're able to feel. A life without feeling joy, pay or any other feelings is not the way one should live. It's like you are just existing, but you're not really living. Feeling pain makes you feel alive because it means you can feel things deeply, and you can grow from it. 
  3. Feeling pain means you're vulnerable: Being vulnerable is the hardest thing to do in the world. You're opening yourself up and handing someone you heart you're trusting that person as well. 
The writer will never stop believing in love and she thinks that one day she will find the man of her dreams. 

My opinion:
I agree with what the writer says. I also think that you should experience a heart broken in your life because it makes you learn a lot about life and love. A life without love is not a good life. Moreover, sometimes is better be alone before be in a toxic relationship because the real love don't hurt.


dimecres, 18 de novembre del 2015


After doing some research, I definitely agree that humour is absolutely necessary in our life for many reasons.

All people say that humour is good for our health. But why? There are many reasons to prove this thought. Laughter relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, increases the production of salivary immunoglubin A, which defends against infectious organisms... Also protects the heart by improving the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help you against a heart attack or other cardiovascular problems. 

Futhermore, laughter has social benefits as well. The action of laughing strengthens relationships, promotes group bonding and helps you to defuse conflict. Moreover, laughter and mental health are connected because laughter dissolves distressing emotions and helps you relax and recharge. 

In conclusion, we can prove that humour is clearly necessary in our life. You must include humour in our life and also in our relationships because it allows us to be more spontaneous, ge rid of defensiveness and more. 

dissabte, 14 de novembre del 2015


Here there is the oral presentation about Mr. Bean that we did with my friend Míriam for our English classroom. 

dimecres, 7 d’octubre del 2015


When she was 27 years old, she left her job in consulting to become a teacher of Math to seventh graders students in a New York public school. After five years teaching, she realised that the students' IQ is not the most important when talking about academic results. What was much more important was an understanding of the students themselves and their learning process from a phsycological and motivational prespective. So, she decided to go back to university to study phsycology. 

She and her research team studied how students and even adults behave in life. After their ressearch, they came to the point that there are important things to take into account to success in life but these things are not having a  good look or having a great social intelligence... She believes that the word GRIT is the key. 

Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals, grit is stiking with your future, day in and day out, not just for a week, not just for a month but for years and working really hard to make that future a reality. She started studying the term grit and passed grit questionnaires among her students. In the video she states  that the most shocking thing about grit is being concious how we built it. 

My opinion:
I definitely agree with what she says in her talk. I agree that passing the IQ test with a high mark is not the most important aim. I think that you may have a high level of knowledgements but you may not be practical enough to face life. I think that growing students' grid is very important to help them to cope with their future. However, I know that it's a hard work for teachers to reach it. 


diumenge, 4 d’octubre del 2015


Hello Sònia, 
As you asked us, I'm sending you an email to introduce myself and tell you about my future dreams. 

My name is Sandra and I'm 17 years old. I live in a small village called Torroella de Fluvià. As you know I'm in second level of batxillerat. In my free time I like going shopping, meeting with my friends, listening to music and reading books. 

I know that this school year will be really hard and I'm aware of the big struggle that I will have to fight, hoping to have a great success. One of my dreams is to become a good broker or economist because I really like the financial world. Since I was a child, my father has been teaching me this world because he is an economist. Another dream is to discover the world around us as I haven't travelled much. The first country I would really like to visit is USA. I think this country is amazing and has many cities and places to visit. 

See you next day in class, Sandra. 

dimecres, 10 de juny del 2015


After one year of extensive English lessons and hardwork at home, I would like to give you my opinion about my improvements during this school year. 

First of all, I think that above all I have improved my vocabulary expand and then my grammar knowledge. Some of the activities done in class were very useful such as exercises from the Vocabulary extemsion dossier and some exercises from the Grammar Book.

 I didn't enjoy writing essays because I found it difficult to organize the different parts: how to start the essays and how to express different points of views. So, I guess I have improved little in this field. Moreover, I believe that six "your-says" a year are too many. I sometimes found it hard to write about everything. I enjoyed reading book, It was a good way to increase my vocabulary and to learn useful expressions. The book I enjoyed the most was the book we chose in the third term called " A kiss before dying".

Preparing the projects was quite interesting except for the last one which I found it very boring as I didn't like the topic. 

In conclusion, I think I am not good enough at writing. I would like to improve it next year. I think that it is quite difficult to write different writing samples but it is also very important for the selectivity to have a good level at writing.I also believe that I must improve my oral comprehension so, I should listen more often to the English language or even watch TV series, news and films in original version.

dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015


I choose this news because I think that i't's interesting and this is the beginning of a big change in the fashion world. 

An Yves Saint Laurent advertisement has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The advert, which appeared in Elle UK showed a photo of a woman who was unhealthily underweight. Readers complained that the advert was "irresponsible" because they were using a model who appeared unhealthily thin.  
Although the ASA didn't agree with the readers opinions at the beginning, they finally admitted that the advert was not suitable to be advertised in magazines or on TV. 
Some people agreed that adverts using underweight models are promoting a distorted image of beauty and it may also promoted cases of anorexia and bulimia among adolescets.

My opinion:
I think that modelling agencies should employ models who are hot below a certain body mass index because teenagers use to follow the fashiong trend. 


As you may know the Costa Brava is a place where thousands of tourists come to spend their holidays. Some towns change a lot from winter to summer. I will take about the advantages and disadvantages when tourists come over our country. 

Some advantages are that our country has a good income of money. Peple who come on holidays usually spend much money during their vacations. Moreover, you have the possibility to make new friends and If they come from a foreing country you have the opportunity to practice the foreing language. Furthermore, another advantage is that when you go out in the streets you can see people everywhere, something which is very rare in winter. 

On the other hand, there also disadvantages when many tourists visit our country, First of all it takes longer to get to the places because the roads are crowded. When you go shopping you must queu for a long time because shops and supermarkets are full of people. 

In conclusion, although there are many people in summer and sometimes it's very stressful, summer is better than winter because towns are lively and you have much better. 


This book is a story about one man who is obsessed with being rich. The main character leaves his girlfriend pregnant and she says her that they have to get married. The man doesn't want to marry her without the father permission because the father will be angry and he stops to give money to his daughter. The abortion pills failed and the only solution is kill her. Then, the sister of the victim, called helen recive a suicide note from her sister and she decides to go to the place of the murder to look into. Ellen's boyfriend says her that doesn't go to investigate but she doesn't listen to him. Bud, the boyfriend killed Ellen and another man who was investigating the murder with her. His only hope for being rich is go with the old sister called Marion. She knows that Bud was the boyfriend of his sister and first she doesn't want to know anything about him. Bud investigates what she likes and finally she get interested in him. They are going to marry but he doesn't reach his objective because he was discovered as a murder of her sisters and Marion killed him. The main character was the boyfriend of Dorothy, the little sister, then of Ellen and finally of Marion only for being rich because they are a rich family. Ellen didn't know that Bud had been the boyfriend and the murder of her sister. 

My opinion:
I like the book because until the end you don'y know who is the murder and that the main character had been the boyfriend of the three sisters. It's an interesting book but it's a little confusing. The book has three parts. Each part talks about one of the sisters and the relationship of there with main character. My favourite part is the second one because it is when there is the investigation of the murder by the sister and it's when you wander who could be the murder? In conclusion I recommend this book because you don't get bored reading it. 


dimarts, 19 de maig del 2015


I will talk about adolescents nowadays and adolescents fifty years ago. 

Fifty years ago teenagers used to do different things that teenagers do now. In the past they used to work instead of studying. Families were quite poor and parents couldn't afford their childrens studies. So, most of the teenagers didn't use to go to the University. Instead they looked for a job and helped the family. Nowadays, teenagers have better oportunities to study. Most families think that Education is very important and they help their children in order to have a better life they had. 

I would also like to talk how teenagers spend their free time now and how they used to spend it fifty years ago. Nowadays adolescents spend their time with new technologies like computer, playstations, tablets and so on. Fifty years ago, they used to play in the street with their friends. They share their time, their ideas, their feelings... Teenagers nowadays are not as sociable as they used to be in the past and that is because these young guys don't make any effort to meet together. Instead they want to stay at home and using technologies to communicate. 

I think that things have changed a lot during the last fifty years. However, I am not quite sure who had a better adolescence.

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2015


"How do you feel when you see two men walking with their baby child?"

Nowadays, there are a lot of adoptions made by gay couples because they can't give birth as both of them are men or women. This is one of the possible ways for them to be parents. The could also pay for a surrogate mother. 

Most people think that a child must have a father and a mother in order to have a good education. However, gay couples don't agree with this thought, as they strongly believe they can be as good parents as heterosexual couples. In some countries the law doesn't allow that a gay couple adopt a child. In the same way, there are countries which also don't allow gay couples to get married. 

If you asked me the previous question I made at the begining my answer would be I feel good for them. When I see an homosexual couple with a child I don't find it strange. I think that gay couples can be very good parents as well and they deserve to reach their dreams. 

dimecres, 6 de maig del 2015


I choose this news because when I read the tittle I thought that it will be an interesting news. 

The students of the Institute of Technology in Manipal, southwest India have designed solar car prototype. This is called the SERVe (Solar Electric Road Vehicle). It's a join project of Manipal Institute of Technology and Tata Power Solar, the most important solar company in India. 

The solar panels that cover the roof keep the car reasonably aerodynamic. The battery and power system are handled by a student-programmed Raspberry Pi. The car's body is a fiberglass-reinforced plastic over steel tubing. Its weight is 1300 pounds and the car can drive more than 90 miles. The top is about  speed 37mph. 

These students weren't trying to build the fastest  or the farthest solar vehicle. They were trying to build a solar car that not only worked, but one that could be commercially viable. 
My opinion: 
I think that we live in a technological world and it's possible that in a future all the cars that we will used be solar cars because this are more economics and don't pollute the world. 

dijous, 30 d’abril del 2015


I will talk about a topic of a discussion that is: "Long distances make or break relationships" which some people agree or disagree with.          

I think that large distances relations are hard to be hold because people really wish to spend as much time as possible with their boyfriend or girlfriend. However, life sometimes makes you take this decisions because of work, family or other life circumstances. 
I think that if you have only 10 days to be with someone, it just makes the experience much more intense because you don't want to miss a second of it. 

I believe that distances are difficult to manage but it also give you the chage to realise if you really love that person or not even you are far away from him or her. 

dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2015


A few days ago I and the society in general were shocked by the news of a teenager of 13 years old who had murdered his teacher at highschool. Unbelievable but this happened in BCN. 

Personally, I feel that the law must judge and punish this boy although he is under 18 years old. It's seems to me that this boy suffers from a mental illness and he can be very dangerous any moment. I think that he could even repeat the same accident if he is not sent to a special hospital or school. The law in my country says that people under 14 years old can not be judged. I don't agree with it because since he has murdered a person he should be responsible for his actions. 

From my point of view, teenagers should not have guns or other violent objects and not even be allowed to take them at school. Personally, I think that the law in my country should be mpre strict and weapons should not be sold to people under 18 or to people who suffer from a mental illness. 

All in all seems to me that there should be a ligher control at highschools and schools around the world. I think that it is not fair that children die because of this horrible accidents.

dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2015


Police found that Andreas Lubitz, the man who crashed the plane into the Alpes France, had had a depression. In this flight died 150 people. Several airlines established the rule that in the cockpit there will be two members of the crew all the time. Police took away Lubitz's properties as the computer and boxes. In 2009 Lubitz finished his training but in the middle he had to stop because he was diagnosted serious depressive episode. Police haven't found a suicide note but they have found a black box with a voice recorder. In this audio seems that Mr. Lubitz want to "destroy the plane". When the pilot came back to the toilet and he realised that Lubitz didn't want to open the door, the pilot tried to open it with an axe. Mr Lubitz's parents have double trauma because they have lost their son and this son has killed a lot of people. 

divendres, 6 de març del 2015


                                                 listen to ‘Describe a photo’ on audioBoom


Fifty shades of Grey is a romantic film directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. This film is based on the novel written by the author E.L James. The main protagonists are Jamie Dornon who plays like Christian Grey and Dakota Johnson who plays like Anastasia Steele. It was a film really waited fot the people and its premiere was on the 14th of Frebruary of 2015 in Spain. 

Anastasia Steele is a University Student in Washington. Her best friend is Katherine. She works for the collage newspaper. Katherine had to interview a famous business man called Christian Grey but unluckly she was feeling sick and instead she asked her friend Anna to do it fot her. The story starts when Anna is interviewing him and Christian gets interested in her. From now, hey start a relationship but it isn't a usual relationship. Christian is addicted to sado and he looks for a submisive person not a girlfriend. She doesn't really know where she is getting into because she is virgin and she doesn't know much about sex. However, Anna will discover a new amazing world. She will experience a different way of having sex. 

I read the book last summer. I think that the film is not as bas as people say. It's true that the book is better than the film but this always happens if you compared the film with the book. In this case, the film is lighter than the book because the film foccuses on the romantic part. However, the book foccuses on the sex part. The film can't show all it is in the book because it will be a porn film.

I am not dissappointed with the film but I prefer the book instead. I think that the book is richer than the film. I would like to point out the role Dakota plays in the film. I think that se plays the character very well. 

Star Rating: ****


I choose this news because when I read the tittle I wanted to read all the news. 

A man in Brazil was detained last Friday because he was suspected of sexually assaulting young women while they were in a religious group in Minnesota. His name is Victor Barnard and he is fifty-three years old. Is accused of a different violations between 2000 and 2012. 
He used the religion to cover his assaults. He did religious campsites where there were a lot of young women. One woman says that she was sexually abused by him between the ages of 13 and 22. His sentence is maximum 30 years in prison. 

My opinion:
I hate people like this man. I think that they aren't humans because if you do these things is because you haven't got feelings. If I make the laws, people that rape young girls without their consent don't go out from of prison in their lives. 

dijous, 26 de febrer del 2015


Every year, when we start a new school term we have to buy the school books and the readers we need for that year. 

Readers are good for us because this way we read novels. Students don't read much for pleasure. Most of us prefer doing more exciting things than reading such as sailing on the net, going out with friends... When we read we increase our vocabulary and we learn new structures. 

However, I think that two or three books in batxillerat are too many books for us. Because we have got lots of homework, essays and many other things to do along the year. Then, I think that teachers sometimes choose badly. They have to choose a good and especially funny novel because if it is a boring novel, we aren't interesting in read it.  

This year, in batxillerat I don't like the books that we have to read. In my opinion, the worst is "Tirant lo Blanc" because is written in ancient Catalan and it's difficult to read. Apart from this I don't like the plot. 


In this essay, I would like to talk about the adolescents behaviour in the parties at night. 
First of all, I think that nowadays when you go out at night you see very young teenagers spending the night out. Every day more, teenagers start going party earlier than it used to be. I don't think that this is the main problem but they start drinking and taking drugs being very young. 

For this reason, as they don't know what they are consuming, they act in a very stupid way. If they were in normal conditions, they would have fun instead. I think that teenagers do not really know the way to enjoy and they think that getting drunk and consuming drugs is the best way. 

In conclusion, I think that they can drink alcohol but they should control themselves in order to haven't got any problem. 

dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2015


I choose this news because when I read the tittle I thought that it can be very interesting. We live with this animal and I think that is a good idea know more about it. 

Dogs are very clever animals. Many studies confirm that this animal can sense the human emotions. If a dog sense that one person is unreliable it stops following his cues. 
A University in Japan did an experiment which consists of three rounds of pointing. In a conclusion, they observed that dogs didn't return to trust someone that before has tricked them. After that, another University, in this case of UK did other experiment more. 
Dogs are more intelligent that we believed, but their intelligenceis very different to ours. Although they are very intelligents, they do what the owner do if they trust them. 
My opinion: 
I like this news because I think that is interesting and I learn more about one animal that I have. I love dogs and I agree with this saying: "Dog is the best friend of man". One thing that impressed me is that dogs can sense what are our feelings. 

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2015


Last day, I was reading the newspaper at home meanwhile I was having breakfast. I was surprised when I read the news about dogs which are abandoned every day. The news stated that more than hundred pets are abandoned in Catalonia every day. Moreover, they talked about the problem they have when they collect these dogs from the street and are taken to the pinfold. There is not enought space in these pinfolds for so many dogs. 

I think that people who abandon their pets haven't got any feelings. I could never abandon my dog for instance. Before that, If I couldn't take care of it I will look for another family to host him. There are people who abandon their pets only because they have grown and they don't like them anymore. 

In my opinion, I think that when you decide to buy a pet you must take it into consideration, because animals are not toys. They need your attention and your time. 

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2015


Since many years ago, Internet has become a very important gadget in our life and it changed people's life a lot. You can search information faster than if you have to search it in a book or encyclopedia. Also, you can read the newspaper for free. You can book your vacations or you can even do the shopping. If you need to cook a recipe, ypu can even look for it on the net. 

Internet has made our life easier but more technological as well. Children start using the Internet very early nowadays. This can be dangerous because they are very innocents and they easily get addicted to it. As they are children, they do things without think too much and then this can be harmfuk for them in the future. 

I have used the Internet since the primary school where teachers taught how use a computer. Since then, I never stop to using it because in the school is a very important tool to learn. Moreover, in my first year of ESO we were compulsory to use a laptop to learn. 

dijous, 12 de febrer del 2015


I choose this news because I think that is interesting to read and know more about this horrible occurrence. 

South Sudan is in a state of civil war with President Salva Kiir to Loyal forces pitted against rebels subordinate by Vice-President Riek Marchar. Hundreds of boys in South Sudan have been kidnapped and forced to become child soldiers. Unicef reported last month that there were, more or less, 89 children. Also, said that these boys were abducted by the Shiluk Militia, under the control of Johnson Oloni. The UN believes 12,000 children were used as child soldiers last year in South Sudan. 

My opinion:
I don't know what in the world can be this terrible thing. People who abduct these children to be a soldiers haven't got a heart. I'm against with this action and I would like that in a future this stop.

dimarts, 10 de febrer del 2015


Here, there is our presentation about the United States. The project is a gap year. In this oral presentation we talk about the language, the food, the economy and more. 

divendres, 6 de febrer del 2015


Valentine's day is an American and British tradition. People sent each other cards, flowers, gifts or chocolate... to demostrate their love to their partner. However, some people also send cards or mobile messages to their friends in order to demostrate their friendship. Each partner celebrated this day like they want. Once go to the cinema, others go to have dinner in a restaurant and maybe others prefer to celebrate this day at home.  

Personally, I don't like this day althought it's the most romantic day of the year in UK. I prefer celebrating the 23rd of April, Sant George as it is a Catalan tradition. On Sant George's Day we give books and red roses to each other as it comes from a very ancient legend. 

I'm not a very romantic girl. Nowaday, I don't like this things but maybe in a future when I have a partner I will enjoy this day. Who knows?

dimarts, 3 de febrer del 2015


One more year, Roses has celebrated a wonderful party of the Carnival. It's recognised as one of the most famous Carnival of Catalonia. It last for five days from Tuesday 12th to Monday 16th of February. There was a big number of participants in the parate as well as lot of public people admiring the amazing parate. I really like this Carnival because people make their carriages as well as their costumes. They work for several weeks before the big day. 

From my point of view, this part is one of the most amazing one. When I was a child, I use to go to this Carnival with my cousine's carriage. Later, when I grew uo I decided to go with my friends. This year, I dressed up as a referee and my friends and I went to Roses on Friday and Saturday night. I didn't go on Sunday because I was tired and I will go to the school on Monday. I enjoyed the weekend a lot!!